/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import Flutter import UIKit import WebKit import Foundation import AVFoundation import SafariServices let WEBVIEW_STORYBOARD = "WebView" let WEBVIEW_STORYBOARD_CONTROLLER_ID = "viewController" extension Dictionary where Key: ExpressibleByStringLiteral { public mutating func lowercaseKeys() { for key in self.keys { self[String(describing: key).lowercased() as! Key] = self.removeValue(forKey: key) } } } public class SwiftFlutterPlugin: NSObject, FlutterPlugin { static var registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar? static var channel: FlutterMethodChannel? var webViewControllers: [String: InAppBrowserWebViewController?] = [:] var safariViewControllers: [String: Any?] = [:] var tmpWindow: UIWindow? private var previousStatusBarStyle = -1 public init(with registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar) { SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "com.pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser", binaryMessenger: registrar.messenger()) } public static func register(with registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar) { SwiftFlutterPlugin.registrar = registrar let channel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "com.pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser", binaryMessenger: registrar.messenger()) let instance = SwiftFlutterPlugin(with: registrar) registrar.addMethodCallDelegate(instance, channel: channel) registrar.register(FlutterWebViewFactory(registrar: registrar) as FlutterPlatformViewFactory, withId: "com.pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappwebview") if #available(iOS 11.0, *) { MyCookieManager(registrar: registrar) } else { // Fallback on earlier versions } } public func handle(_ call: FlutterMethodCall, result: @escaping FlutterResult) { let arguments = call.arguments as? NSDictionary let uuid: String = arguments!["uuid"] as! String switch call.method { case "open": self.open(uuid: uuid, arguments: arguments!, result: result) break case "getUrl": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { result(webViewController!.webView.url?.absoluteString) } else { result(nil) } break case "getTitle": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { result(webViewController!.webView.title) } else { result(nil) } break case "getProgress": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { let progress = Int(webViewController!.webView.estimatedProgress * 100) result(progress) } else { result(nil) } break case "loadUrl": self.loadUrl(uuid: uuid, arguments: arguments!, result: result) break case "loadData": self.loadData(uuid: uuid, arguments: arguments!, result: result) break case "postUrl": self.postUrl(uuid: uuid, arguments: arguments!, result: result) break case "loadFile": self.loadFile(uuid: uuid, arguments: arguments!, result: result) break case "close": self.close(uuid: uuid) result(true) break case "show": self.show(uuid: uuid) result(true) break case "hide": self.hide(uuid: uuid) result(true) break case "reload": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { webViewController!.reload() } result(true) break case "goBack": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { webViewController!.goBack() } result(true) break case "canGoBack": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { result(webViewController!.canGoBack()) } else { result(false) } break case "goForward": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { webViewController!.goForward() } result(true) break case "canGoForward": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { result(webViewController!.canGoForward()) } else { result(false) } break case "goBackOrForward": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { let steps = arguments!["steps"] as! Int webViewController!.goBackOrForward(steps: steps) } result(true) break case "canGoBackOrForward": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { let steps = arguments!["steps"] as! Int result(webViewController!.canGoBackOrForward(steps: steps)) } else { result(false) } break case "isLoading": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { result(webViewController!.webView.isLoading == true) } else { result(false) } break case "stopLoading": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { webViewController!.webView.stopLoading() } result(true) break case "isHidden": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { result(webViewController!.isHidden == true) } else { result(false) } break case "injectScriptCode": self.injectScriptCode(uuid: uuid, arguments: arguments!, result: result) break case "injectScriptFile": self.injectScriptFile(uuid: uuid, arguments: arguments!, result: nil) result(true) break case "injectStyleCode": self.injectStyleCode(uuid: uuid, arguments: arguments!, result: nil) result(true) break case "injectStyleFile": self.injectStyleFile(uuid: uuid, arguments: arguments!, result: nil) result(true) break case "takeScreenshot": if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { webViewController!.takeScreenshot(completionHandler: { (screenshot) -> Void in result(screenshot) }) } else { result(nil) } break case "setOptions": let optionsType = arguments!["optionsType"] as! String switch (optionsType){ case "InAppBrowserOptions": let inAppBrowserOptions = InAppBrowserOptions() let inAppBrowserOptionsMap = arguments!["options"] as! [String: Any] inAppBrowserOptions.parse(options: inAppBrowserOptionsMap) self.setOptions(uuid: uuid, options: inAppBrowserOptions, optionsMap: inAppBrowserOptionsMap) break default: result(FlutterError(code: "InAppBrowserFlutterPlugin", message: "Options " + optionsType + " not available.", details: nil)) } result(true) break case "getOptions": result(self.getOptions(uuid: uuid)) break case "getCopyBackForwardList": result(self.getCopyBackForwardList(uuid: uuid)) break default: result(FlutterMethodNotImplemented) break } } func close(uuid: String) { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { // Things are cleaned up in browserExit. webViewController?.close() } else { print("IAB.close() called but it was already closed.") } } func isSystemUrl(_ url: URL) -> Bool { if (url.host == "itunes.apple.com") { return true } return false } public func open(uuid: String, arguments: NSDictionary, result: @escaping FlutterResult) { let isData: Bool = (arguments["isData"] as? Bool)! if !isData { let url: String = (arguments["url"] as? String)! let headers = (arguments["headers"] as? [String: String])! var absoluteUrl = URL(string: url)?.absoluteURL let useChromeSafariBrowser = (arguments["useChromeSafariBrowser"] as? Bool)! if useChromeSafariBrowser { let uuidFallback = (arguments["uuidFallback"] as? String)! let safariOptions = (arguments["options"] as? [String: Any])! let optionsFallback = (arguments["optionsFallback"] as? [String: Any])! open(uuid: uuid, uuidFallback: uuidFallback, inAppBrowser: absoluteUrl!, headers: headers, withOptions: safariOptions, useChromeSafariBrowser: true, withOptionsFallback: optionsFallback, result: result) } else { let options = (arguments["options"] as? [String: Any])! let isLocalFile = (arguments["isLocalFile"] as? Bool)! var openWithSystemBrowser = (arguments["openWithSystemBrowser"] as? Bool)! if isLocalFile { let key = SwiftFlutterPlugin.registrar!.lookupKey(forAsset: url) let assetURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: key, withExtension: nil) if assetURL == nil { result(FlutterError(code: "InAppBrowserFlutterPlugin", message: url + " asset file cannot be found!", details: nil)) return } absoluteUrl = assetURL! } if isSystemUrl(absoluteUrl!) { openWithSystemBrowser = true } if (openWithSystemBrowser) { open(inSystem: absoluteUrl!, result: result) } else { open(uuid: uuid, uuidFallback: nil, inAppBrowser: absoluteUrl!, headers: headers, withOptions: options, useChromeSafariBrowser: false, withOptionsFallback: nil, result: result) } } } else { let options = (arguments["options"] as? [String: Any])! let data = (arguments["data"] as? String)! let mimeType = (arguments["mimeType"] as? String)! let encoding = (arguments["encoding"] as? String)! let baseUrl = (arguments["baseUrl"] as? String)! open(uuid: uuid, options: options, data: data, mimeType: mimeType, encoding: encoding, baseUrl: baseUrl) result(true) } } func open(uuid: String, uuidFallback: String?, inAppBrowser url: URL, headers: [String: String], withOptions options: [String: Any], useChromeSafariBrowser: Bool, withOptionsFallback optionsFallback: [String: Any]?, result: @escaping FlutterResult) { var uuid = uuid if self.webViewControllers[uuid] != nil { close(uuid: uuid) } let safariViewController = self.safariViewControllers[uuid] if safariViewController != nil { if #available(iOS 9.0, *) { (safariViewController! as! SafariViewController).close() self.safariViewControllers[uuid] = nil } else { // Fallback on earlier versions } } if self.previousStatusBarStyle == -1 { self.previousStatusBarStyle = UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle.rawValue } if !(self.tmpWindow != nil) { let frame: CGRect = UIScreen.main.bounds self.tmpWindow = UIWindow(frame: frame) } let tmpController = UIViewController() let baseWindowLevel = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.windowLevel self.tmpWindow?.rootViewController = tmpController self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = UIWindowLevel(baseWindowLevel! + 1) self.tmpWindow?.makeKeyAndVisible() let browserOptions: InAppBrowserOptions let webViewOptions: InAppWebViewOptions if useChromeSafariBrowser == true { if #available(iOS 9.0, *) { let safariOptions = SafariBrowserOptions() safariOptions.parse(options: options) let safari: SafariViewController if #available(iOS 11.0, *) { let config = SFSafariViewController.Configuration() config.entersReaderIfAvailable = safariOptions.entersReaderIfAvailable config.barCollapsingEnabled = safariOptions.barCollapsingEnabled safari = SafariViewController(url: url, configuration: config) } else { // Fallback on earlier versions safari = SafariViewController(url: url) } safari.uuid = uuid safari.delegate = safari safari.statusDelegate = self safari.tmpWindow = tmpWindow safari.safariOptions = safariOptions self.safariViewControllers[uuid] = safari tmpController.present(self.safariViewControllers[uuid]! as! SFSafariViewController, animated: true) onChromeSafariBrowserOpened(uuid: uuid) result(true) return } else { if uuidFallback == nil { print("No WebView fallback declared.") result(true) return } uuid = uuidFallback! browserOptions = InAppBrowserOptions() browserOptions.parse(options: optionsFallback!) webViewOptions = InAppWebViewOptions() webViewOptions.parse(options: optionsFallback!) } } else { browserOptions = InAppBrowserOptions() browserOptions.parse(options: options) webViewOptions = InAppWebViewOptions() webViewOptions.parse(options: options) } let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: WEBVIEW_STORYBOARD, bundle: Bundle(for: InAppBrowserFlutterPlugin.self)) let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: WEBVIEW_STORYBOARD_CONTROLLER_ID) self.webViewControllers[uuid] = vc as? InAppBrowserWebViewController let webViewController: InAppBrowserWebViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] as! InAppBrowserWebViewController webViewController.uuid = uuid webViewController.browserOptions = browserOptions webViewController.webViewOptions = webViewOptions webViewController.isHidden = browserOptions.hidden webViewController.tmpWindow = tmpWindow webViewController.currentURL = url webViewController.initHeaders = headers webViewController.navigationDelegate = self if browserOptions.hidden { webViewController.view.isHidden = true tmpController.present(webViewController, animated: false, completion: {() -> Void in // if self.previousStatusBarStyle != -1 { // UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyle(rawValue: self.previousStatusBarStyle)! // } }) // if self.previousStatusBarStyle != -1 { // UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyle(rawValue: self.previousStatusBarStyle)! // } webViewController.presentingViewController?.dismiss(animated: false, completion: {() -> Void in self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0 UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window??.makeKeyAndVisible() }) } else { tmpController.present(webViewController, animated: true, completion: nil) } result(true) } func open(uuid: String, options: [String: Any], data: String, mimeType: String, encoding: String, baseUrl: String) { var uuid = uuid if self.webViewControllers[uuid] != nil { close(uuid: uuid) } if self.previousStatusBarStyle == -1 { self.previousStatusBarStyle = UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle.rawValue } if !(self.tmpWindow != nil) { let frame: CGRect = UIScreen.main.bounds self.tmpWindow = UIWindow(frame: frame) } let tmpController = UIViewController() let baseWindowLevel = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.windowLevel self.tmpWindow?.rootViewController = tmpController self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = UIWindowLevel(baseWindowLevel! + 1) self.tmpWindow?.makeKeyAndVisible() let browserOptions: InAppBrowserOptions let webViewOptions: InAppWebViewOptions browserOptions = InAppBrowserOptions() browserOptions.parse(options: options) webViewOptions = InAppWebViewOptions() webViewOptions.parse(options: options) let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: WEBVIEW_STORYBOARD, bundle: Bundle(for: InAppBrowserFlutterPlugin.self)) let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: WEBVIEW_STORYBOARD_CONTROLLER_ID) self.webViewControllers[uuid] = vc as? InAppBrowserWebViewController let webViewController: InAppBrowserWebViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] as! InAppBrowserWebViewController webViewController.uuid = uuid webViewController.browserOptions = browserOptions webViewController.webViewOptions = webViewOptions webViewController.isHidden = browserOptions.hidden webViewController.tmpWindow = tmpWindow webViewController.initData = data webViewController.initMimeType = mimeType webViewController.initEncoding = encoding webViewController.initBaseUrl = baseUrl webViewController.navigationDelegate = self if browserOptions.hidden { webViewController.view.isHidden = true tmpController.present(webViewController, animated: false, completion: {() -> Void in webViewController.loadData(data: data, mimeType: mimeType, encoding: encoding, baseUrl: baseUrl) }) webViewController.presentingViewController?.dismiss(animated: false, completion: {() -> Void in self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0 UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window??.makeKeyAndVisible() }) } else { tmpController.present(webViewController, animated: true, completion: {() -> Void in webViewController.loadData(data: data, mimeType: mimeType, encoding: encoding, baseUrl: baseUrl) }) } } public func loadUrl(uuid: String, arguments: NSDictionary, result: @escaping FlutterResult) { let webViewController: InAppBrowserWebViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] as! InAppBrowserWebViewController if let url = arguments["url"] as? String { let headers = (arguments["headers"] as? [String: String])! let absoluteUrl = URL(string: url)!.absoluteURL webViewController.loadUrl(url: absoluteUrl, headers: headers) } else { result(FlutterError(code: "InAppBrowserFlutterPlugin", message: "url is empty", details: nil)) return } result(true) } public func loadData(uuid: String, arguments: NSDictionary, result: @escaping FlutterResult) { let webViewController: InAppBrowserWebViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] as! InAppBrowserWebViewController let data = (arguments["data"] as? String)! let mimeType = (arguments["mimeType"] as? String)! let encoding = (arguments["encoding"] as? String)! let baseUrl = (arguments["baseUrl"] as? String)! webViewController.loadData(data: data, mimeType: mimeType, encoding: encoding, baseUrl: baseUrl) result(true) } public func postUrl(uuid: String, arguments: NSDictionary, result: @escaping FlutterResult) { let webViewController: InAppBrowserWebViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] as! InAppBrowserWebViewController if let url = arguments["url"] as? String { let postData = (arguments["postData"] as? FlutterStandardTypedData)! let absoluteUrl = URL(string: url)!.absoluteURL webViewController.postUrl(url: absoluteUrl, postData: postData.data, result: result) } else { result(FlutterError(code: "InAppBrowserFlutterPlugin", message: "url is empty", details: nil)) return } } public func loadFile(uuid: String, arguments: NSDictionary, result: @escaping FlutterResult) { let webViewController: InAppBrowserWebViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] as! InAppBrowserWebViewController if let url = arguments["url"] as? String { let headers = (arguments["headers"] as? [String: String])! let key = SwiftFlutterPlugin.registrar!.lookupKey(forAsset: url) let assetURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: key, withExtension: nil) if assetURL == nil { result(FlutterError(code: "InAppBrowserFlutterPlugin", message: url + " asset file cannot be found!", details: nil)) return } let absoluteUrl = URL(string: url)!.absoluteURL webViewController.loadUrl(url: absoluteUrl, headers: headers) } else { result(FlutterError(code: "InAppBrowserFlutterPlugin", message: "url is empty", details: nil)) return } result(true) } public func show(uuid: String) { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { if webViewController != nil { webViewController?.isHidden = false webViewController?.view.isHidden = false // Run later to avoid the "took a long time" log message. DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {() -> Void in if webViewController != nil { let baseWindowLevel = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.windowLevel self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = UIWindowLevel(baseWindowLevel! + 1) self.tmpWindow?.makeKeyAndVisible() UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window??.makeKeyAndVisible() self.tmpWindow?.rootViewController?.present(webViewController!, animated: true, completion: nil) } }) } else { print("Tried to hide IAB after it was closed.") } } } public func hide(uuid: String) { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { if webViewController != nil { webViewController?.isHidden = true // Run later to avoid the "took a long time" log message. DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {() -> Void in if webViewController != nil { webViewController?.presentingViewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: {() -> Void in self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0 UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window??.makeKeyAndVisible() if self.previousStatusBarStyle != -1 { UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyle(rawValue: self.previousStatusBarStyle)! } }) } }) } else { print("Tried to hide IAB after it was closed.") } } } func open(inSystem url: URL, result: @escaping FlutterResult) { if !UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) { result(FlutterError(code: "InAppBrowserFlutterPlugin", message: url.absoluteString + " cannot be opened!", details: nil)) return } else { if #available(iOS 10.0, *) { UIApplication.shared.open(url, options: [:], completionHandler: nil) } else { UIApplication.shared.openURL(url) } } result(true) } // This is a helper method for the inject{Script|Style}{Code|File} API calls, which // provides a consistent method for injecting JavaScript code into the document. // // If a wrapper string is supplied, then the source string will be JSON-encoded (adding // quotes) and wrapped using string formatting. (The wrapper string should have a single // '%@' marker). // // If no wrapper is supplied, then the source string is executed directly. func injectDeferredObject(uuid: String, source: String, withWrapper jsWrapper: String, result: FlutterResult?) { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { let jsonData: Data? = try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: [source], options: []) let sourceArrayString = String(data: jsonData!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) if sourceArrayString != nil { let sourceString: String? = (sourceArrayString! as NSString).substring(with: NSRange(location: 1, length: (sourceArrayString?.count ?? 0) - 2)) let jsToInject = String(format: jsWrapper, sourceString!) webViewController?.webView?.evaluateJavaScript(jsToInject, completionHandler: {(value, error) in if result == nil { return } if error != nil { let userInfo = (error! as NSError).userInfo self.onConsoleMessage(uuid: uuid, sourceURL: (userInfo["WKJavaScriptExceptionSourceURL"] as? URL)?.absoluteString ?? "", lineNumber: userInfo["WKJavaScriptExceptionLineNumber"] as! Int, message: userInfo["WKJavaScriptExceptionMessage"] as! String, messageLevel: "ERROR") } if value == nil { result!("") return } do { let data: Data = ("[" + String(describing: value!) + "]").data(using: String.Encoding.utf8, allowLossyConversion: false)! let json: Array<Any> = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as! Array<Any> if json[0] is String { result!(json[0]) } else { result!(value) } } catch let error as NSError { result!(FlutterError(code: "InAppBrowserFlutterPlugin", message: "Failed to load: \(error.localizedDescription)", details: error)) } }) } } } public func injectScriptCode(uuid: String, arguments: NSDictionary, result: FlutterResult?) { let jsWrapper = "(function(){return JSON.stringify(eval(%@));})();" injectDeferredObject(uuid: uuid, source: arguments["source"] as! String, withWrapper: jsWrapper, result: result) } public func injectScriptFile(uuid: String, arguments: NSDictionary, result: FlutterResult?) { let jsWrapper = "(function(d) { var c = d.createElement('script'); c.src = %@; d.body.appendChild(c); })(document);" injectDeferredObject(uuid: uuid, source: arguments["urlFile"] as! String, withWrapper: jsWrapper, result: result) } public func injectStyleCode(uuid: String, arguments: NSDictionary, result: FlutterResult?) { let jsWrapper = "(function(d) { var c = d.createElement('style'); c.innerHTML = %@; d.body.appendChild(c); })(document);" injectDeferredObject(uuid: uuid, source: arguments["source"] as! String, withWrapper: jsWrapper, result: result) } public func injectStyleFile(uuid: String, arguments: NSDictionary, result: FlutterResult?) { let jsWrapper = "(function(d) { var c = d.createElement('link'); c.rel='stylesheet', c.type='text/css'; c.href = %@; d.body.appendChild(c); })(document);" injectDeferredObject(uuid: uuid, source: arguments["urlFile"] as! String, withWrapper: jsWrapper, result: result) } func onBrowserCreated(uuid: String, webView: WKWebView) { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("onBrowserCreated", arguments: ["uuid": uuid]) } } func onLoadStart(uuid: String, webView: WKWebView) { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { let url: String = webViewController!.currentURL!.absoluteString SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("onLoadStart", arguments: ["uuid": uuid, "url": url]) } } func onLoadStop(uuid: String, webView: WKWebView) { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { let url: String = webViewController!.currentURL!.absoluteString SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("onLoadStop", arguments: ["uuid": uuid, "url": url]) } } func onLoadError(uuid: String, webView: WKWebView, error: Error) { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { let url: String = webViewController!.currentURL!.absoluteString let arguments = ["uuid": uuid, "url": url, "code": error._code, "message": error.localizedDescription] as [String : Any] SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("onLoadError", arguments: arguments) } } func onProgressChanged(uuid: String, webView: WKWebView, progress: Int) { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("onProgressChanged", arguments: ["uuid": uuid, "progress": progress]) } } func onLoadResource(uuid: String, webView: WKWebView, response: URLResponse, fromRequest request: URLRequest?, withData data: Data, startTime: Int, duration: Int) { if self.webViewControllers[uuid] != nil { var headersResponse = (response as! HTTPURLResponse).allHeaderFields as! [String: String] headersResponse.lowercaseKeys() var headersRequest = request!.allHTTPHeaderFields! as [String: String] headersRequest.lowercaseKeys() let arguments: [String : Any] = [ "uuid": uuid, "response": [ "url": response.url!.absoluteString, "statusCode": (response as! HTTPURLResponse).statusCode, "headers": headersResponse, "startTime": startTime, "duration": duration, "data": data ], "request": [ "url": request!.url!.absoluteString, "headers": headersRequest, "method": request!.httpMethod! ] ] SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("onLoadResource", arguments: arguments) } } func onScrollChanged(uuid: String, webView: WKWebView, x: Int, y: Int) { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("onScrollChanged", arguments: ["uuid": uuid, "x": x, "y": y]) } } func onExit(uuid: String) { SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("onExit", arguments: ["uuid": uuid]) } func shouldOverrideUrlLoading(uuid: String, webView: WKWebView, url: URL) { if self.webViewControllers[uuid] != nil { SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("shouldOverrideUrlLoading", arguments: ["uuid": uuid, "url": url.absoluteString]) } } func onConsoleMessage(uuid: String, sourceURL: String, lineNumber: Int, message: String, messageLevel: String) { if self.webViewControllers[uuid] != nil { SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("onConsoleMessage", arguments: ["uuid": uuid, "sourceURL": sourceURL, "lineNumber": lineNumber, "message": message, "messageLevel": messageLevel]) } } func onChromeSafariBrowserOpened(uuid: String) { if self.safariViewControllers[uuid] != nil { SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("onChromeSafariBrowserOpened", arguments: ["uuid": uuid]) } } func onChromeSafariBrowserLoaded(uuid: String) { if self.safariViewControllers[uuid] != nil { SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("onChromeSafariBrowserLoaded", arguments: ["uuid": uuid]) } } func onChromeSafariBrowserClosed(uuid: String) { SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("onChromeSafariBrowserClosed", arguments: ["uuid": uuid]) } func onCallJsHandler(uuid: String, webView: WKWebView, handlerName: String, args: String) { SwiftFlutterPlugin.channel!.invokeMethod("onCallJsHandler", arguments: ["uuid": uuid, "handlerName": handlerName, "args": args]) } func safariExit(uuid: String) { if let safariViewController = self.safariViewControllers[uuid] { if #available(iOS 9.0, *) { (safariViewController as! SafariViewController).statusDelegate = nil (safariViewController as! SafariViewController).delegate = nil } self.safariViewControllers[uuid] = nil onChromeSafariBrowserClosed(uuid: uuid) } } func browserExit(uuid: String) { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { // Set navigationDelegate to nil to ensure no callbacks are received from it. webViewController?.navigationDelegate = nil // Don't recycle the ViewController since it may be consuming a lot of memory. // Also - this is required for the PDF/User-Agent bug work-around. self.webViewControllers[uuid] = nil if previousStatusBarStyle != -1 { UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyle(rawValue: previousStatusBarStyle)! } onExit(uuid: uuid) } } func setOptions(uuid: String, options: InAppBrowserOptions, optionsMap: [String: Any]) { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { webViewController!.setOptions(newOptions: options, newOptionsMap: optionsMap) } } func getOptions(uuid: String) -> [String: Any]? { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { return webViewController!.getOptions() } return nil } func getCopyBackForwardList(uuid: String) -> [String: Any]? { if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] { return webViewController!.getCopyBackForwardList() } return nil } }