## 2.0.0 - Merge "Avoid null pointer exception after webview is disposed" [#116](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/116) (thanks to [robsonfingo](https://github.com/robsonfingo)) - Merge "Remove async call in close" [#119](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/119) (thanks to [benfingo](https://github.com/benfingo)) - Merge "Android takeScreenshot does not work properly." [#122](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/122) (thanks to [PauloMelo](https://github.com/PauloMelo)) - Merge "Resolving gradle error." [#144](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/144) (thanks to [Klingens13](https://github.com/Klingens13)) - Merge "Create issue and pull request templates" [#150](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/150) (thanks to [deandreamatias](https://github.com/deandreamatias)) - Merge "Fix abstract method error && swift version error" [#155](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/155) (thanks to [AlexVincent525](https://github.com/AlexVincent525)) - Merge "migrating to swift 5.0" [#162](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/162) (thanks to [fattiger00](https://github.com/fattiger00)) - Merge "Update readme example" [#178](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/178) (thanks to [SebastienBtr](https://github.com/SebastienBtr)) - Merge "handle choose file callback in android" [#183](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/183) (thanks to [crazecoder](https://github.com/crazecoder)) - Merge "add initialScale in android" [#186](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/186) (thanks to [crazecoder](https://github.com/crazecoder)) - Added `horizontalScrollBarEnabled` and `verticalScrollBarEnabled` options to enable/disable the corresponding scrollbar of the WebView [#165](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/issues/165) - Added `onDownloadStart` event and `useOnDownloadStart` option: event fires when the WebView recognizes and starts a downloadable file. - Added `onLoadResourceCustomScheme` event and `resourceCustomSchemes` option to set custom schemes that WebView must handle to load resources - Added `onTargetBlank` event and `useOnTargetBlank` option to manage links with `target="_blank"` - Added `ContentBlocker`, `ContentBlockerTrigger` and `ContentBlockerAction` classes and the `contentBlockers` option that allows to define a set of rules to use to block content in the WebView - Added new WebView options: `minimumFontSize`, `debuggingEnabled`, `preferredContentMode`, `applicationNameForUserAgent`, `incognito`, `cacheEnabled`, `disableVerticalScroll`, `disableHorizontalScroll` - Added new Android WebView options: `allowContentAccess`, `allowFileAccess`, `allowFileAccessFromFileURLs`, `allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs`, `appCachePath`, `blockNetworkImage`, `blockNetworkLoads`, `cacheMode`, `cursiveFontFamily`, `defaultFixedFontSize`, `defaultFontSize`, `defaultTextEncodingName`, `disabledActionModeMenuItems`, `fantasyFontFamily`, `fixedFontFamily`, `forceDark`, `geolocationEnabled`, `layoutAlgorithm`, `loadWithOverviewMode`, `loadsImagesAutomatically`, `minimumLogicalFontSize`, `needInitialFocus`, `offscreenPreRaster`, `sansSerifFontFamily`, `serifFontFamily`, `standardFontFamily`, `saveFormData`, `thirdPartyCookiesEnabled`, `hardwareAcceleration` - Added new iOS WebView options: `isFraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled`, `selectionGranularity`, `dataDetectorTypes`, `sharedCookiesEnabled` - Added `onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt` event and `GeolocationPermissionShowPromptResponse` class (available only for Android) - Added `startSafeBrowsing`, `setSafeBrowsingWhitelist` and `getSafeBrowsingPrivacyPolicyUrl` methods (available only for Android) - Added `clearSslPreferences` and `clearClientCertPreferences` methods (available only for Android) - Added `onSafeBrowsingHit` event (available only for Android) - Added `onJsAlert`, `onJsConfirm` and `onJsPrompt` events to manage javascript popup dialogs - Added `onReceivedHttpAuthRequest` event - Added `clearCache()` method - Added `HttpAuthCredentialDatabase` class - Added `onReceivedServerTrustAuthRequest` and `onReceivedClientCertRequest` events to manage SSL requests - Added `onFindResultReceived` event, `findAllAsync`, `findNext` and `clearMatches` methods - Added `getHtml`, `injectJavascriptFileFromAsset` and `injectCSSFileFromAsset` methods - Added `shouldInterceptAjaxRequest`, `onAjaxReadyStateChange`, `onAjaxProgress` and `shouldInterceptFetchRequest` events with `useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest` and `useShouldInterceptFetchRequest` webview options - Added `onNavigationStateChange` event - Fun: added `getTRexRunnerHtml` and `getTRexRunnerCss` methods to get html (with javascript) and css to recreate the Chromium's t-rex runner game ### BREAKING CHANGES - Deleted `WebResourceRequest` class - Updated `WebResourceResponse` class - Updated `ConsoleMessage` class - Updated `ConsoleMessageLevel` class - Updated `onLoadResource` event - Updated `CookieManager` class - WebView options are now available with the new corresponding classes: `InAppWebViewOptions`, `AndroidInAppWebViewOptions`, `iOSInAppWebViewOptions`, `InAppBrowserOptions`, `AndroidInAppBrowserOptions`, `iOSInAppBrowserOptions`, `AndroidChromeCustomTabsOptions` and `iOSSafariOptions` - Renamed `getFavicon` to `getFavicons`, now it returns a list of all favicons (`List`) found - Renamed `injectScriptFile` to `injectJavascriptFileFromUrl` - Renamed `injectScriptCode` to `evaluateJavascript` - Renamed `injectStyleCode` to `injectCSSCode` - Renamed `injectStyleFile` to `injectCSSFileFromUrl` ## 1.2.1 - Merge "Add new option to control the contentMode in Android platform" [#101](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/101) (thanks to [DreamBuddy](https://github.com/DreamBuddy)) - Merge "Fix crash on xcode 10.2" [#107](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/107) (thanks to [robsonfingo](https://github.com/robsonfingo)) - Merge "Remove headers_build_phase from example's Podfile" [#108](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/108) (thanks to [robsonfingo](https://github.com/robsonfingo)) - Fixed "Make html5 video fullscreen" for Android [#43](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/issues/43) - Fixed "AllowsInlineMediaPlayback not working" for iOS [#73](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/issues/73) ## 1.2.0 - Merge "Adds a transparentBackground option for iOS and Android" [#86](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/86) (thanks to [matthewlloyd](https://github.com/matthewlloyd)) - Merge "The 'open' method requires an options dictionary" [#87](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/87) (thanks to [matthewlloyd](https://github.com/matthewlloyd)) - Merge "iOS: Call setNeedsLayout() in scrollViewDidScroll()" [#88](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/88) (thanks to [matthewlloyd](https://github.com/matthewlloyd)) - Fixed "java.lang.RuntimeException: Methods marked with @UiThread must be executed on the main thread." [#98](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/issues/98) (thanks to [DreamBuddy](https://github.com/DreamBuddy)) - Fixed "app force close/crash when enabling zoom and repeatedly changing orientation and zoomin zoomout" [#93](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/issues/93) - Added `displayZoomControls` webview option for Android - Fixed "Compatibility with other plugins" [#80](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/issues/80) ## 1.1.3 - Merge "Add null checks around calls to InAppWebView callbacks" [#85](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/85) (thanks to [matthewlloyd](https://github.com/matthewlloyd)) ## 1.1.2 - Fix InAppBrowser crashes the app when i change the page "Lost connection" [#74](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/issues/74) - Fix javascript `...args` parameter of `window.flutter_inappbrowser.callHandler()` - Merge Enable setTextZoom function of Android WebViewSetting [#81](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/81) (thanks to [YouCii](https://github.com/YouCii)) - Merge bug fix for android build: Android dependency 'androidx.core:core' has different version for the compile (1.0.0) and runtime (1.0.1) classpath [#83](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/pull/83) (thanks to [cinos1](https://github.com/cinos1)) ## 1.1.1 - Fixed README.md and `addJavaScriptHandler` method documentation ## 1.1.0 - Breaking change for `addJavaScriptHandler` and `removeJavaScriptHandler` methods. - `addJavaScriptHandler` method can return data to JavaScript using `Promise` [#46](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/issues/46) - added `flutterInAppBrowserPlatformReady` JavaScript event to wait until the platform is ready [#64](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser/issues/64) ## 1.0.1 - Fixed Unable to load initialFile on iOS #56 - Some code cleanup ## 1.0.0 Breaking changes: - Fixed [Flutter AndroidX compatibility](https://flutter.dev/docs/development/packages-and-plugins/androidx-compatibility), the latest version that doesn't use `AndroidX` is `0.6.0` (thanks to [juicycleff](https://github.com/juicycleff)). ## 0.6.0 - added support for **iOS** inline native WebView integrated in the flutter widget tree - updated example folder (thanks to [marquesinijatinha](https://github.com/marquesinijatinha)) - Fixed bug where passing null to expiresDate failed (thanks to [Sense545](https://github.com/Sense545)) - Fixed iOS error: encode resourceURL (thanks to [igtm](https://github.com/igtm)) - Fixed iOS error: Double value cannot be converted to Int because the result would be greater than Int.max in 32-bit devices (thanks to [huzhiren](https://github.com/huzhiren)) - Fixed iOS error: problem in ChromeSafariBrowser (thanks to [marquesinijatinha](https://github.com/marquesinijatinha)) - Fixed Android build error caused by gradle and build gradle versions (thanks to [tje3d](https://github.com/tje3d)) - Updated `uuid` dependency to `^2.0.0` ## 0.5.51 - updated `pubspec.yaml` - updated `README.md` ## 0.5.5 - added `getUrl` method for the `InAppWebViewController` class - added `getTitle` method for the `InAppWebViewController` class - added `getProgress` method for the `InAppWebViewController` class - added `getFavicon` method for the `InAppWebViewController` class - added `onScrollChanged` event for the `InAppWebViewController` and `InAppBrowser` class - added `onBrowserCreated` event for the `InAppBrowser` class - added `openData` method for the `InAppBrowser` class - added `initialData` property for the `InAppWebView` widget ## 0.5.4 - added `WebHistory` and `WebHistoryItem` class - added `getCopyBackForwardList`, `goBackOrForward`, `canGoBackOrForward` and `goTo` methods for the `InAppWebViewController` class ## 0.5.3 - added `CookieManager` class ## 0.5.2 - fixed some missing `result.success()` on Android and iOS - added `postUrl()` method for the `InAppWebViewController` class - added `loadData()` method for the `InAppWebViewController` class ## 0.5.1 - updated README.md ## 0.5.0 - added initial support for Inline WebViews using the `InAppWebView` widget - added `InAppBrowser.openFile()` method - added `InAppBrowser.onProgressChanged()` event - moved `InAppBrowser` WebView related functions on the `InAppWebViewController` class - added `InAppLocalhostServer` class - added `InAppWebView.canGoBack()` and `InAppWebView.canGoForward()` methods - removed `openWithSystemBrowser` and `isLocalFile` option. Now use the corresponding method - code refactoring ## 0.4.1 - added `InAppBrowser.takeScreenshot()` - added `InAppBrowser.setOptions()` - added `InAppBrowser.getOptions()` ## 0.4.0 - removed `target` parameter to `InAppBrowser.open()` method. To open the url on the system browser, use the `openWithSystemBrowser: true` option - fixes for the `_ChannelManager` private class - fixed `EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION` onLoadStart in Swift - added `openWithSystemBrowser` and `isLocalFile` options - added `InAppBrowser.openWithSystemBrowser` method - added `InAppBrowser.openOnLocalhost` method - added `InAppBrowser.loadFile` method - added `InAppBrowser.isOpened` method ## 0.3.2 - fixed WebView.storyboard path for iOS ## 0.3.1 - fixed README.md example ## 0.3.0 - fixed WebView.storyboard to deployment target 8.0 - added `InAppBrowser.onLoadResource()` method. The event fires when the InAppBrowser webview loads a resource - added `InAppBrowser.addJavaScriptHandler()` and `InAppBrowser.removeJavaScriptHandler()` methods to add/remove javascript message handlers - removed `keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction` from iOS available options - now the `url` parameter of `InAppBrowser.open()` is optional. The default value is `about:blank` ## 0.2.1 - added `InAppBrowser.onConsoleMessage()` method to manage console messages - fixed `InAppBrowser.injectScriptCode()` method when there is not a return value ## 0.2.0 - added support of Chrome CustomTabs for Android - added support of SFSafariViewController for iOS - added the ability to create multiple instances of browsers ## 0.1.1 - updated/added new methods - updated UI of android/iOS in-app browser - code cleanup - added new options when opening the in-app browser ## 0.0.1 Initial release.