// // ConsoleLogJS.swift // flutter_inappwebview // // Created by Lorenzo Pichilli on 16/02/21. // import Foundation let CONSOLE_LOG_JS_PLUGIN_SCRIPT_GROUP_NAME = "IN_APP_WEBVIEW_CONSOLE_LOG_JS_PLUGIN_SCRIPT" let CONSOLE_LOG_JS_PLUGIN_SCRIPT = PluginScript( groupName: CONSOLE_LOG_JS_PLUGIN_SCRIPT_GROUP_NAME, source: CONSOLE_LOG_JS_SOURCE, injectionTime: .atDocumentStart, forMainFrameOnly: false, requiredInAllContentWorlds: true, messageHandlerNames: ["consoleLog", "consoleDebug", "consoleError", "consoleInfo", "consoleWarn"]) // the message needs to be concatenated with '' in order to have the same behavior like on Android let CONSOLE_LOG_JS_SOURCE = """ (function(console) { var oldLogs = { 'consoleLog': console.log, 'consoleDebug': console.debug, 'consoleError': console.error, 'consoleInfo': console.info, 'consoleWarn': console.warn }; for (var k in oldLogs) { (function(oldLog) { console[oldLog.replace('console', '').toLowerCase()] = function() { var message = ''; for (var i in arguments) { if (message == '') { message += arguments[i]; } else { message += ' ' + arguments[i]; } } var _windowId = \(WINDOW_ID_VARIABLE_JS_SOURCE); window.webkit.messageHandlers[oldLog].postMessage({'message': message, '_windowId': _windowId}); oldLogs[oldLog].apply(null, arguments); } })(k); } })(window.console); """