import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:collection'; import 'package:flutter_inappwebview/flutter_inappwebview.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; /// Returns a matcher that matches the isNullOrEmpty property. const Matcher isNullOrEmpty = _NullOrEmpty(); class _NullOrEmpty extends Matcher { const _NullOrEmpty(); @override bool matches(Object? item, Map matchState) => item == null || (item as dynamic).isEmpty; @override Description describe(Description description) => description.add('null or empty'); } void skippableGroup(Object description, void Function() body, {bool skip = false}) { if (!skip) { group(description.toString(), body, skip: skip); } } void skippableTest( Object description, dynamic Function() body, { String? testOn, Timeout? timeout = const Timeout(Duration(seconds: 60)), bool skip = false, dynamic tags, Map<String, dynamic>? onPlatform, int? retry, }) { if (!skip) { test( description.toString(), body, testOn: testOn, timeout: timeout, skip: skip, onPlatform: onPlatform, tags: tags, retry: retry, ); } } void skippableTestWidgets( String description, WidgetTesterCallback callback, { bool skip = false, Timeout? timeout = const Timeout(Duration(seconds: 60)), bool semanticsEnabled = true, TestVariant<Object?> variant = const DefaultTestVariant(), dynamic tags, }) { if (!skip) { testWidgets(description, callback, skip: skip, timeout: timeout, semanticsEnabled: semanticsEnabled, variant: variant, tags: tags); } } class Foo { String? bar; String? baz; Foo({, this.baz}); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { return {'bar':, 'baz': this.baz}; } } class MyInAppBrowser extends InAppBrowser { final Completer<void> browserCreated = Completer<void>(); final Completer<void> firstPageLoaded = Completer<void>(); final Completer<void> browserClosed = Completer<void>(); MyInAppBrowser( {int? windowId, UnmodifiableListView<UserScript>? initialUserScripts}) : super(windowId: windowId, initialUserScripts: initialUserScripts); @override Future onBrowserCreated() async { browserCreated.complete(); } @override void onLoadStop(WebUri? url) { super.onLoadStop(url); if (!firstPageLoaded.isCompleted) { firstPageLoaded.complete(); } } @override void onExit() { if (!browserClosed.isCompleted) { browserClosed.complete(); } } } class MyChromeSafariBrowser extends ChromeSafariBrowser { final Completer<void> serviceConnected = Completer<void>(); final Completer<void> opened = Completer<void>(); final Completer<bool?> firstPageLoaded = Completer<bool?>(); final Completer<void> closed = Completer<void>(); final Completer<CustomTabsNavigationEventType?> navigationEvent = Completer<CustomTabsNavigationEventType?>(); final Completer<bool> relationshipValidationResult = Completer<bool>(); @override void onServiceConnected() { serviceConnected.complete(); } @override void onOpened() { opened.complete(); } @override void onCompletedInitialLoad(didLoadSuccessfully) { firstPageLoaded.complete(didLoadSuccessfully); } @override void onNavigationEvent(CustomTabsNavigationEventType? type) { if (!navigationEvent.isCompleted) { navigationEvent.complete(type); } } @override void onRelationshipValidationResult( CustomTabsRelationType? relation, Uri? requestedOrigin, bool result) { relationshipValidationResult.complete(result); } @override void onClosed() { closed.complete(); } }