import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_inappbrowser/flutter_inappbrowser.dart';

class MyInAppBrowser extends InAppBrowser {
  Future onLoadStart(String url) async {
    print("\n\nStarted $url\n\n");
//    print("\n\n ${await this.isHidden()} \n\n");
//    print(await this.webViewController.canGoBack());
//    print(await this.webViewController.canGoForward());

  Future onLoadStop(String url) async {
    print("\n\nStopped $url\n\n");

//    print(await this.webViewController.canGoBack());
//    print(await this.webViewController.canGoForward());

//    var screenshot = await this.webViewController.takeScreenshot();
//    await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("""
//    document.body.innerHTML = '<img style="max-width: 100%; width: 100%" src="data:image/png;base64,${base64.encode(screenshot)}" />';
//    """);

//    var options = await this.getOptions();
//    if (options["javaScriptEnabled"]) {
//      await this.setOptions({
//        //"progressBar": true,
//        //"useOnLoadResource": true,
//        //"hidden": true,
//        //"toolbarTopFixedTitle": "Fixed title A",
//        //"useShouldOverrideUrlLoading": true
//        //"hideUrlBar": true,
//        "javaScriptEnabled": false,
//        "toolbarTop": true,
//        "toolbarBottom": false
//      });
//    }
//    else {
//      await this.setOptions({
//        //"progressBar": false,
//        //"useOnLoadResource": false,
//        //"hidden": true,
//        //"toolbarTopFixedTitle": "Fixed title B",
//        //"useShouldOverrideUrlLoading": true
//        //"hideUrlBar": false,
//        "javaScriptEnabled": true,
//        "toolbarTop": false,
//        "toolbarBottom": true
//      });
//    }

//    print("\n\n ${await this.isHidden()} \n\n");
//    await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("window.flutter_inappbrowser.callHandler('handlerTest', 1, 5,'string', {'key': 5}, [4,6,8]);");
//    await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("window.flutter_inappbrowser.callHandler('handlerTest2', false, null, undefined);");
//    await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("setTimeout(function(){window.flutter_inappbrowser.callHandler('handlerTest', 'anotherString');}, 1000);");

//    await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("console.log({'testObject': 5});");
//    await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("console.warn('testWarn',null);");
//    await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("console.log('testObjectStringify', JSON.stringify({'asd': 5}));");
//    await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("'testInfo', 6);");
//    await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("console.error('testError', false);");
//    await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("console.debug('testDebug', true);");
//    print(await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("document.body.innerHTML"));
//    print(await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("null"));
//    print(await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("undefined"));
//    print(await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("3"));
//    print(await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("""
//      function asd (a,b) {
//        return a+b;
//       };
//       asd(3,5);
//    """));
//    print(await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("""
//      ["3",56,"sdf"];
//    """));
//    print(await this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("""
//      var x = {"as":4, "dfdfg": 6};
//      x;
//    """));
//    await this.webViewController.injectScriptFile("");
//    this.webViewController.injectScriptCode("""
//      \$( "body" ).html( "Next Step..." )
//    """);
//    // add custom css
//    this.webViewController.injectStyleCode("""
//    body {
//      background-color: #3c3c3c !important;
//    }
//    """);
//    this.webViewController.injectStyleFile("");

  void onLoadError(String url, int code, String message) {
    print("\n\nCan't load $url.. Error: $message\n\n");

  void onProgressChanged(int progress) {
//    print("Progress: $progress");

  void onExit() {
    print("\n\nBrowser closed!\n\n");

  void shouldOverrideUrlLoading(String url) {
    print("\n\n override $url\n\n");
//    var postData = "username=my_username&password=my_password";
//    inAppBrowserFallback.webViewController.postUrl("http://localhost:8080", utf8.encode(postData));
//    var htmlData = """
//<!doctype html>
//<html lang="en">
//    <meta charset="UTF-8">
//    <meta name="viewport"
//          content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
//    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
//    <title>Document</title>
//    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
//    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://localhost:8080/assets/css/style.css">
//    <script src=""></script>
//<div class="container">
//    <div class="container">
//        <img src="http://localhost:8080/assets/images/dart.svg" alt="dart logo">
//        <div class="row">
//            <div class="col-sm">
//                One of three columns
//            </div>
//            <div class="col-sm">
//                One of three columns
//            </div>
//            <div class="col-sm">
//                One of three columns
//            </div>
//        </div>
//    </div>
//    <script>
//        console.log("hello");
//    </script>
//    """;
//    inAppBrowserFallback.webViewController.loadData(htmlData);

  void onLoadResource(
      WebResourceResponse response, WebResourceRequest request) {
    print("Started at: " +
        response.startTime.toString() +
        "ms ---> duration: " +
        response.duration.toString() +
        "ms " +
//    if (response.headers["content-length"] != null)
//      print(response.headers["content-length"] + " length");

  void onConsoleMessage(ConsoleMessage consoleMessage) {
//    print("""
//    console output:
//      sourceURL: ${consoleMessage.sourceURL}
//      lineNumber: ${consoleMessage.lineNumber}
//      message: ${consoleMessage.message}
//      messageLevel: ${consoleMessage.messageLevel}
//    """);

MyInAppBrowser inAppBrowserFallback = new MyInAppBrowser();

class MyChromeSafariBrowser extends ChromeSafariBrowser {
  MyChromeSafariBrowser(browserFallback) : super(browserFallback);

  void onOpened() {
    print("ChromeSafari browser opened");

  void onLoaded() {
    print("ChromeSafari browser loaded");

  void onClosed() {
    print("ChromeSafari browser closed");

// adding a webview fallback
MyChromeSafariBrowser chromeSafariBrowser =
    new MyChromeSafariBrowser(inAppBrowserFallback);
InAppLocalhostServer localhostServer = new InAppLocalhostServer();

Future main() async {
//  await localhostServer.start();
  runApp(new MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyAppState createState() => new _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  void initState() {
//    int indexTest = inAppBrowserFallback.webViewController.addJavaScriptHandler("handlerTest",
//        (arguments) async {
//      print("handlerTest arguments");
//      print(arguments);
//    });
//    int indexTest2 = inAppBrowserFallback.webViewController.addJavaScriptHandler("test2", (arguments) async {
//      print("handlerTest2 arguments");
//      print(arguments);
//      inAppBrowserFallback.webViewController.removeJavaScriptHandler("test", indexTest);
//    });

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new MaterialApp(
      home: new Scaffold(
        appBar: new AppBar(
          title: const Text('Flutter InAppBrowser Plugin example app'),
        body: new Center(
          child: new RaisedButton(
            onPressed: () async {
//              await"");
//              await InAppBrowser.openWithSystemBrowser("");
//              await "http://localhost:8080/assets/index.html", options: {
//                "useOnLoadResource": true,
//                //"hidden": true,
//                //"toolbarTopFixedTitle": "Fixed title",
//                //"useShouldOverrideUrlLoading": true
//                //"hideUrlBar": true,
//                //"toolbarTop": false,
//                "toolbarBottom": false
//              });
//              await inAppBrowserFallback.openFile("assets/index.html", options: {
//                "useOnLoadResource": true,
//                //"hidden": true,
//                //"useShouldOverrideUrlLoading": true
//                //"hideUrlBar": true,
//                //"toolbarTop": false,
//                //"toolbarBottom": false
//              });
              await "", options: {
                //"useOnLoadResource": true,
                //"hidden": true,
                //"toolbarTopFixedTitle": "Fixed title",
                "useShouldOverrideUrlLoading": true
                //"hideUrlBar": true,
                //"toolbarTop": false,
                //"toolbarBottom": false
            child: Text("Open InAppBrowser")

// Inline WebView Example
//import 'dart:async';
//import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
//import 'package:flutter_inappbrowser/flutter_inappbrowser.dart';
//Future main() async {
//  runApp(new MyApp());
//class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
//  @override
//  _MyAppState createState() => new _MyAppState();
//class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
//  InAppWebViewController webView;
//  String url = "";
//  double progress = 0;
//  @override
//  void initState() {
//    super.initState();
//  }
//  @override
//  void dispose() {
//    super.dispose();
//  }
//  @override
//  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//    return MaterialApp(
//      home: Scaffold(
//        appBar: AppBar(
//          title: const Text('Inline WebView example app'),
//        ),
//        body: Container(
//          child: Column(
//            children: <Widget>[
//              Container(
//                padding: EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
//                child: Text("CURRENT URL\n${ (url.length > 50) ? url.substring(0, 50) + "..." : url }"),
//              ),
//              (progress != 1.0) ? LinearProgressIndicator(value: progress) : null,
//              Expanded(
//                child: Container(
//                  margin: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
//                  decoration: BoxDecoration(
//                    border: Border.all(color: Colors.blueAccent)
//                  ),
//                  child: InAppWebView(
//                    initialUrl: "",
//                    initialHeaders: {
//                    },
//                    initialOptions: {
//                    },
//                    onWebViewCreated: (InAppWebViewController controller) {
//                      webView = controller;
//                    },
//                    onLoadStart: (InAppWebViewController controller, String url) {
//                      print("started $url");
//                      setState(() {
//                        this.url = url;
//                      });
//                    },
//                    onProgressChanged: (InAppWebViewController controller, int progress) {
//                      setState(() {
//                        this.progress = progress/100;
//                      });
//                    },
//                  ),
//                ),
//              ),
//              ButtonBar(
//                alignment:,
//                children: <Widget>[
//                  RaisedButton(
//                    child: Icon(Icons.arrow_back),
//                    onPressed: () {
//                      if (webView != null) {
//                        webView.goBack();
//                      }
//                    },
//                  ),
//                  RaisedButton(
//                    child: Icon(Icons.arrow_forward),
//                    onPressed: () {
//                      if (webView != null) {
//                        webView.goForward();
//                      }
//                    },
//                  ),
//                  RaisedButton(
//                    child: Icon(Icons.refresh),
//                    onPressed: () {
//                      if (webView != null) {
//                        webView.reload();
//                      }
//                    },
//                  ),
//                ],
//              ),
//            ].where((Object o) => o != null).toList(),
//          ),
//        ),
//        bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(
//          currentIndex: 0,
//          items: [
//            BottomNavigationBarItem(
//              icon: Icon(Icons.home),
//              title: Text('Home'),
//            ),
//            BottomNavigationBarItem(
//              icon: Icon(Icons.mail),
//              title: Text('Item 2'),
//            ),
//            BottomNavigationBarItem(
//              icon: Icon(Icons.person),
//              title: Text('Item 3')
//            )
//          ],
//        ),
//      ),
//    );
//  }