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Raw Normal View History

///Class that implements the [Uri] interface to maintain also the raw string value used by [Uri.parse].
///This class is used because some strings coming from the native platform side
///are not parsed correctly or could lose letter case information,
///so [rawValue] can be used as a fallback value.
/// // InAppWebView example
/// InAppWebView(
/// initialUrlRequest:
/// URLRequest(url: WebUri(''))
/// )
/// // example of letter case difference
/// final uri = WebUri('scheme://customHostValue', forceToStringRawValue: false);
/// print(uri.rawValue); // scheme://customHostValue
/// print(uri.isValidUri); // true
/// print(uri.uriValue.toString()); // scheme://customhostvalue
/// print(uri.toString()); // scheme://customhostvalue
/// uri.forceToStringRawValue = true;
/// print(uri.toString()); // scheme://customHostValue
/// // example of a not valid URI
/// // Uncaught Error: FormatException: Invalid port (at character 14)
/// final invalidUri = WebUri('intent://not:valid_uri');
/// print(invalidUri.rawValue); // intent://not:valid_uri
/// print(invalidUri.isValidUri); // false
/// print(invalidUri.uriValue.toString()); // ''
/// print(invalidUri.toString()); // intent://not:valid_uri
class WebUri implements Uri {
Uri _uri = Uri();
String _rawValue = '';
bool _isValidUri = false;
///Whether to force the usage of [rawValue] when calling [toString] or not.
///Because [toString] is used to send URI strings to the native platform side,
///this flag is useful when you want to send [rawValue] instead of [uriValue]`.toString()`.
///The default value is `false`.
bool forceToStringRawValue = false;
///Initialize a [WebUri] using a raw string value.
///In this case, [uriValue]`.toString()` and [rawValue] could not have the same value.
WebUri(String source, {this.forceToStringRawValue = false}) {
_rawValue = source;
try {
_uri = Uri.parse(this._rawValue);
_isValidUri = true;
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
///Initialize a [WebUri] using an [Uri] instance.
///In this case, [uriValue]`.toString()` and [rawValue] will have the same value.
WebUri.uri(Uri uri) {
_uri = uri;
_rawValue = uri.toString();
_isValidUri = true;
///Raw string value used by [Uri.parse].
String get rawValue => _rawValue;
///Uri parsed value. If [isValidUri] is `false`, the value will be `Uri()`.
Uri get uriValue => _uri;
///`true` if [rawValue] has been parsed correctly, otherwise `false`.
bool get isValidUri => _isValidUri;
String get authority => _uri.authority;
UriData? get data =>;
String get fragment => _uri.fragment;
bool get hasAbsolutePath => _uri.hasAbsolutePath;
bool get hasAuthority => _uri.hasAuthority;
bool get hasEmptyPath => _uri.hasEmptyPath;
bool get hasFragment => _uri.hasFragment;
bool get hasPort => _uri.hasPort;
bool get hasQuery => _uri.hasQuery;
bool get hasScheme => _uri.hasScheme;
String get host =>;
bool get isAbsolute => _uri.isAbsolute;
bool isScheme(String scheme) {
return _uri.isScheme(scheme);
Uri normalizePath() {
return _uri.normalizePath();
String get origin => _uri.origin;
String get path => _uri.path;
List<String> get pathSegments => _uri.pathSegments;
int get port => _uri.port;
String get query => _uri.query;
Map<String, String> get queryParameters => _uri.queryParameters;
Map<String, List<String>> get queryParametersAll => _uri.queryParametersAll;
Uri removeFragment() {
return _uri.removeFragment();
Uri replace(
{String? scheme,
String? userInfo,
String? host,
int? port,
String? path,
Iterable<String>? pathSegments,
String? query,
Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters,
String? fragment}) {
return _uri.replace(
scheme: scheme,
userInfo: userInfo,
host: host,
port: port,
path: path,
pathSegments: pathSegments,
query: query,
queryParameters: queryParameters,
fragment: fragment);
Uri resolve(String reference) {
return _uri.resolve(reference);
Uri resolveUri(Uri reference) {
return _uri.resolveUri(reference);
String get scheme => _uri.scheme;
String toFilePath({bool? windows}) {
return _uri.toFilePath(windows: windows);
String get userInfo => _uri.userInfo;
///If [forceToStringRawValue] is `true` or [isValidUri] is `false`, it returns [rawValue],
///otherwise the value of [uriValue]`.toString()`.
String toString() {
return forceToStringRawValue || !_isValidUri ? _rawValue : _uri.toString();
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);