
143 lines
6.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'in_app_webview.dart' show InAppWebViewController;
var uuidGenerator = new Uuid();
typedef Future<dynamic> ListenerCallback(MethodCall call);
///This type represents a callback, added with [addJavaScriptHandler], that listens to post messages sent from JavaScript.
///The Android implementation uses [addJavascriptInterface](,%20java.lang.String)).
///The iOS implementation uses [addScriptMessageHandler](
///The JavaScript function that can be used to call the handler is `window.flutter_inappbrowser.callHandler(handlerName <String>, ...args);`, where `args` are [rest parameters](
///The `args` will be stringified automatically using `JSON.stringify(args)` method and then they will be decoded on the Dart side.
///Also, a [JavaScriptHandlerCallback] can return json data to the JavaScript side.
///In this case, simply return data that you want to send and it will be automatically json encoded using [jsonEncode] from the `dart:convert` library.
typedef dynamic JavaScriptHandlerCallback(List<dynamic> arguments);
///Enum representing the level of a console message.
enum ConsoleMessageLevel {
///Public class representing a resource response of the [InAppBrowser] WebView.
///It is used by the method [InAppBrowser.onLoadResource()].
class WebResourceResponse {
///A string representing the type of resource.
String initiatorType;
///Resource URL.
String url;
///Returns the [DOMHighResTimeStamp]( for the time a resource fetch started.
double startTime;
///Returns the [DOMHighResTimeStamp]( duration to fetch a resource.
double duration;
WebResourceResponse(this.initiatorType, this.url, this.startTime, this.duration);
///Public class representing the response returned by the [onLoadResourceCustomScheme()] event of [InAppWebView].
///It allows to load a specific resource. The resource data must be encoded to `base64`.
class CustomSchemeResponse {
///Data enconded to 'base64'.
String base64data;
///Content-Type of the data, such as `image/png`.
String contentType;
///Content-Enconding of the data, such as `utf-8`.
String contentEnconding;
CustomSchemeResponse(this.base64data, this.contentType, {this.contentEnconding = 'utf-8'});
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'content-type': this.contentType,
'content-encoding': this.contentEnconding,
'base64data': this.base64data
///Public class representing a JavaScript console message from WebCore.
///This could be a issued by a call to one of the console logging functions (e.g. console.log('...')) or a JavaScript error on the page.
///To receive notifications of these messages, override the [InAppBrowser.onConsoleMessage()] function.
class ConsoleMessage {
String sourceURL = "";
int lineNumber = 1;
String message = "";
ConsoleMessageLevel messageLevel = ConsoleMessageLevel.LOG;
ConsoleMessage(this.sourceURL, this.lineNumber, this.message, this.messageLevel);
///WebHistory class.
///This class contains a snapshot of the current back/forward list for a WebView.
class WebHistory {
List<WebHistoryItem> _list;
///List of all [WebHistoryItem]s.
List<WebHistoryItem> get list => _list;
///Index of the current [WebHistoryItem].
int currentIndex;
WebHistory(this._list, this.currentIndex);
///WebHistoryItem class.
///A convenience class for accessing fields in an entry in the back/forward list of a WebView. Each WebHistoryItem is a snapshot of the requested history item.
class WebHistoryItem {
///Original url of this history item.
String originalUrl;
///Document title of this history item.
String title;
///Url of this history item.
String url;
///0-based position index in the back-forward [WebHistory.list].
int index;
///Position offset respect to the currentIndex of the back-forward [WebHistory.list].
int offset;
WebHistoryItem(this.originalUrl, this.title, this.url, this.index, this.offset);
///GeolocationPermissionPromptResponse class.
///Class used by the host application to set the Geolocation permission state for an origin during the [onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt] event.
class GeolocationPermissionShowPromptResponse {
///The origin for which permissions are set.
String origin;
///Whether or not the origin should be allowed to use the Geolocation API.
bool allow;
///Whether the permission should be retained beyond the lifetime of a page currently being displayed by a WebView
bool retain;
GeolocationPermissionShowPromptResponse(this.origin, this.allow, this.retain);
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
"origin": origin,
"allow": allow,
"retain": retain
typedef onWebViewCreatedCallback = void Function(InAppWebViewController controller);
typedef onWebViewLoadStartCallback = void Function(InAppWebViewController controller, String url);
typedef onWebViewLoadStopCallback = void Function(InAppWebViewController controller, String url);
typedef onWebViewLoadErrorCallback = void Function(InAppWebViewController controller, String url, int code, String message);
typedef onWebViewProgressChangedCallback = void Function(InAppWebViewController controller, int progress);
typedef onWebViewConsoleMessageCallback = void Function(InAppWebViewController controller, ConsoleMessage consoleMessage);
typedef shouldOverrideUrlLoadingCallback = void Function(InAppWebViewController controller, String url);
typedef onWebViewLoadResourceCallback = void Function(InAppWebViewController controller, WebResourceResponse response);
typedef onWebViewScrollChangedCallback = void Function(InAppWebViewController controller, int x, int y);
typedef onDownloadStartCallback = void Function(InAppWebViewController controller, String url);
typedef onLoadResourceCustomSchemeCallback = Future<CustomSchemeResponse> Function(InAppWebViewController controller, String scheme, String url);
typedef onTargetBlankCallback = void Function(InAppWebViewController controller, String url);
typedef onGeolocationPermissionsShowPromptCallback = Future<GeolocationPermissionShowPromptResponse> Function(InAppWebViewController controller, String origin);