added disableDefaultErrorPage Android-specific webview option, updated onCreateWindow event implementation
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
- Updated `onCreateWindow`, `onJsAlert`, `onJsConfirm`, `onJsPrompt` webview events
- Added `onCloseWindow`, `onTitleChanged`, `onWindowFocus`, `onWindowBlur` webview events
- Added `androidOnRequestFocus`, `androidOnReceivedIcon`, `androidOnReceivedTouchIconUrl`, `androidOnJsBeforeUnload`, `androidOnReceivedLoginRequest` Android-specific webview events
- Added `disableDefaultErrorPage` Android-specific webview option
- Fixed "SFSafariViewController doesn't open like a native iOS modal" [#403](
@ -583,6 +583,7 @@ Instead, on the `onLoadStop` WebView event, you can use `callHandler` directly:
* `scrollbarFadingEnabled`: Define whether scrollbars will fade when the view is not scrolling. The default value is `true`.
* `scrollBarFadeDuration`: Define the scrollbar fade duration in milliseconds.
* `rendererPriorityPolicy`: Set the renderer priority policy for this WebView.
* `disableDefaultErrorPage`: Sets whether the default Android error page should be disabled. The default value is `false`.
##### `InAppWebView` iOS-specific options
@ -518,9 +518,9 @@ public class FlutterWebView implements PlatformView, MethodCallHandler {
public void dispose() {
if (webView != null) {
if (Shared.activityPluginBinding != null) {
webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());
webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
@ -602,7 +602,11 @@ public class InAppWebViewChromeClient extends WebChromeClient implements PluginR
channel.invokeMethod("onCreateWindow", obj, new MethodChannel.Result() {
public void success(@Nullable Object result) {
if (result == null && InAppWebViewChromeClient.windowWebViewMessages.containsKey(windowId)) {
boolean handledByClient = false;
if (result instanceof Boolean) {
handledByClient = (boolean) result;
if (!handledByClient && InAppWebViewChromeClient.windowWebViewMessages.containsKey(windowId)) {
@ -1132,4 +1136,17 @@ public class InAppWebViewChromeClient extends WebChromeClient implements PluginR
public void dispose() {
if (Shared.activityPluginBinding != null) {
if (inAppBrowserActivity != null) {
inAppBrowserActivity = null;
if (flutterWebView != null) {
flutterWebView = null;
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ public class InAppWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
if (webView.options.useShouldOverrideUrlLoading) {
@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ public class InAppWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
} else {
@ -102,14 +104,16 @@ public class InAppWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView webView, String url) {
if (((inAppBrowserActivity != null) ? inAppBrowserActivity.webView : flutterWebView.webView).options.useShouldOverrideUrlLoading) {
onShouldOverrideUrlLoading(url, "GET", null,true, false, false);
InAppWebView inAppWebView = (InAppWebView) webView;
if (inAppWebView.options.useShouldOverrideUrlLoading) {
onShouldOverrideUrlLoading(inAppWebView, url, "GET", null,true, false, false);
return true;
return false;
public void onShouldOverrideUrlLoading(final String url, final String method, final Map<String, String> headers, final boolean isForMainFrame, boolean hasGesture, boolean isRedirect) {
public void onShouldOverrideUrlLoading(final InAppWebView webView, final String url, final String method, final Map<String, String> headers,
final boolean isForMainFrame, boolean hasGesture, boolean isRedirect) {
Map<String, Object> obj = new HashMap<>();
if (inAppBrowserActivity != null)
obj.put("uuid", inAppBrowserActivity.uuid);
@ -132,7 +136,6 @@ public class InAppWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
if (isForMainFrame) {
// There isn't any way to load an URL for a frame that is not the main frame,
// so call this only on main frame.
InAppWebView webView = ((inAppBrowserActivity != null) ? inAppBrowserActivity.webView : flutterWebView.webView);
webView.loadUrl(url, headers);
@ -250,11 +253,15 @@ public class InAppWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
public void onReceivedError(WebView view, int errorCode, String description, String failingUrl) {
// // Used to show instantly a custom error page
// view.stopLoading();
// view.loadUrl("about:blank");
((inAppBrowserActivity != null) ? inAppBrowserActivity.webView : flutterWebView.webView).isLoading = false;
final InAppWebView webView = (InAppWebView) view;
if (webView.options.disableDefaultErrorPage) {
webView.isLoading = false;
previousAuthRequestFailureCount = 0;
credentialsProposed = null;
@ -830,4 +837,14 @@ public class InAppWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
public void onUnhandledKeyEvent(WebView view, KeyEvent event) {
public void dispose() {
if (inAppBrowserActivity != null) {
inAppBrowserActivity = null;
if (flutterWebView != null) {
flutterWebView = null;
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ public class InAppWebViewOptions implements Options<InAppWebView> {
public Map<String, Object> rendererPriorityPolicy = new HashMap<>();
public Boolean useShouldInterceptRequest = false;
public Boolean useOnRenderProcessGone = false;
public Boolean disableDefaultErrorPage = false;
public InAppWebViewOptions parse(Map<String, Object> options) {
@ -335,6 +336,9 @@ public class InAppWebViewOptions implements Options<InAppWebView> {
case "useOnRenderProcessGone":
useOnRenderProcessGone = (Boolean) value;
case "disableDefaultErrorPage":
disableDefaultErrorPage = (Boolean) value;
@ -420,6 +424,7 @@ public class InAppWebViewOptions implements Options<InAppWebView> {
options.put("rendererPriorityPolicy", rendererPriorityPolicy);
options.put("useShouldInterceptRequest", useShouldInterceptRequest);
options.put("useOnRenderProcessGone", useOnRenderProcessGone);
options.put("disableDefaultErrorPage", disableDefaultErrorPage);
return options;
@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ public class JavaScriptBridgeInterface {
public void _hideContextMenu() {
if (flutterWebView == null && inAppBrowserActivity == null) {
final InAppWebView webView = (inAppBrowserActivity != null) ? inAppBrowserActivity.webView : flutterWebView.webView;
final Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
@ -61,6 +65,10 @@ public class JavaScriptBridgeInterface {
public void _callHandler(final String handlerName, final String _callHandlerID, final String args) {
if (flutterWebView == null && inAppBrowserActivity == null) {
final InAppWebView webView = (inAppBrowserActivity != null) ? inAppBrowserActivity.webView : flutterWebView.webView;
final Map<String, Object> obj = new HashMap<>();
@ -108,4 +116,14 @@ public class JavaScriptBridgeInterface {
public void dispose() {
if (inAppBrowserActivity != null) {
inAppBrowserActivity = null;
if (flutterWebView != null) {
flutterWebView = null;
@ -1 +1 @@
{"info":"This is a generated file; do not edit or check into version control.","plugins":{"ios":[{"name":"e2e","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"flutter_downloader","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"flutter_inappwebview","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/Desktop/flutter_inappwebview/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"permission_handler","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"android":[{"name":"e2e","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"flutter_downloader","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"flutter_inappwebview","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/Desktop/flutter_inappwebview/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"permission_handler","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"macos":[{"name":"path_provider_macos","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"linux":[{"name":"path_provider_linux","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"windows":[],"web":[]},"dependencyGraph":[{"name":"e2e","dependencies":[]},{"name":"flutter_downloader","dependencies":[]},{"name":"flutter_inappwebview","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider","dependencies":["path_provider_macos","path_provider_linux"]},{"name":"path_provider_linux","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider_macos","dependencies":[]},{"name":"permission_handler","dependencies":[]}],"date_created":"2020-06-29 16:24:39.876196","version":"1.17.4"}
{"info":"This is a generated file; do not edit or check into version control.","plugins":{"ios":[{"name":"e2e","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"flutter_downloader","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"flutter_inappwebview","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/Desktop/flutter_inappwebview/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"permission_handler","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"android":[{"name":"e2e","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"flutter_downloader","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"flutter_inappwebview","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/Desktop/flutter_inappwebview/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"permission_handler","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"macos":[{"name":"path_provider_macos","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"linux":[{"name":"path_provider_linux","path":"/Users/lorenzopichilli/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"windows":[],"web":[]},"dependencyGraph":[{"name":"e2e","dependencies":[]},{"name":"flutter_downloader","dependencies":[]},{"name":"flutter_inappwebview","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider","dependencies":["path_provider_macos","path_provider_linux"]},{"name":"path_provider_linux","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider_macos","dependencies":[]},{"name":"permission_handler","dependencies":[]}],"date_created":"2020-06-29 17:43:40.301350","version":"1.17.4"}
@ -1906,7 +1906,7 @@ public class InAppWebView: WKWebView, UIScrollViewDelegate, WKUIDelegate, WKNavi
if (options?.useOnDownloadStart)! {
let mimeType = navigationResponse.response.mimeType
if let url = navigationResponse.response.url {
if let url = navigationResponse.response.url, navigationResponse.isForMainFrame {
if mimeType != nil && !mimeType!.starts(with: "text/") {
onDownloadStart(url: url.absoluteString)
@ -1959,7 +1959,17 @@ public class InAppWebView: WKWebView, UIScrollViewDelegate, WKUIDelegate, WKNavi
public func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFail navigation: WKNavigation!, withError error: Error) {
InAppWebView.credentialsProposed = []
onLoadError(url: url?.absoluteString, error: error)
var urlError = url?.absoluteString
if let info = error._userInfo as? [String: Any] {
if let failingUrl = info[NSURLErrorFailingURLErrorKey] as? URL {
urlError = failingUrl.absoluteString
if let failingUrlString = info[NSURLErrorFailingURLStringErrorKey] as? String {
urlError = failingUrlString
onLoadError(url: urlError, error: error)
if IABController != nil {
IABController!.backButton.isEnabled = canGoBack
@ -2439,7 +2449,11 @@ public class InAppWebView: WKWebView, UIScrollViewDelegate, WKUIDelegate, WKNavi
else {
if result == nil, InAppWebView.windowWebViews[windowId] != nil {
var handledByClient = false
if result != nil, result is Bool {
handledByClient = result as! Bool
if !handledByClient, InAppWebView.windowWebViews[windowId] != nil {
InAppWebView.windowWebViews.removeValue(forKey: windowId)
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ class HeadlessInAppWebView implements WebView {
final Future<WebView> Function(InAppWebViewController controller,
final Future<bool> Function(InAppWebViewController controller,
CreateWindowRequest onCreateWindowRequest) onCreateWindow;
@ -341,10 +341,9 @@ class InAppBrowser {
///Event fired when the [InAppBrowser] webview requests the host application to create a new window,
///for example when trying to open a link with `target="_blank"` or when `` is called by JavaScript side.
///The return type should be an [InAppBrowser] instance, a [HeadlessInAppWebView] instance or `null`. If it returns `null`, then nothing will happen.
///If it returns an [InAppBrowser] instance, the new [InAppBrowser] will be immediately opened.
///If it returns a [HeadlessInAppWebView] instance, the [] method will be immediately called.
///Remember to use the [CreateWindowRequest.windowId] to create the new WebView instance.
///If the host application chooses to honor this request, it should return `true` from this method, create a new WebView to host the window.
///If the host application chooses not to honor the request, it should return `false` from this method.
///The default implementation of this method does nothing and hence returns `false`.
///[createWindowRequest] represents the request.
@ -369,7 +368,7 @@ class InAppBrowser {
///**Official iOS API**:
// ignore: missing_return
Future<dynamic> onCreateWindow(CreateWindowRequest createWindowRequest) {}
Future<bool> onCreateWindow(CreateWindowRequest createWindowRequest) {}
///Event fired when the host application should close the given WebView and remove it from the view system if necessary.
///At this point, WebCore has stopped any loading in this window and has removed any cross-scripting ability in javascript.
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class InAppWebView extends StatefulWidget implements WebView {
final Future<WebView> Function(InAppWebViewController controller,
final Future<bool> Function(InAppWebViewController controller,
CreateWindowRequest onCreateWindowRequest) onCreateWindow;
@ -222,50 +222,15 @@ class InAppWebViewController {
iosIsForMainFrame: iosIsForMainFrame);
WebView webView;
dynamic inAppBrowserWindow;
bool result = false;
if (_webview != null && _webview.onCreateWindow != null)
webView = await _webview.onCreateWindow(this, createWindowRequest);
result = await _webview.onCreateWindow(this, createWindowRequest);
else if (_inAppBrowser != null) {
inAppBrowserWindow =
await _inAppBrowser.onCreateWindow(createWindowRequest);
inAppBrowserWindow is InAppBrowser ||
inAppBrowserWindow is HeadlessInAppWebView,
"InAppBrowser.onCreateWindow should return an \"InAppBrowser\" instance or a \"HeadlessInAppWebView\" instance.");
result = await _inAppBrowser.onCreateWindow(createWindowRequest);
int webViewWindowId;
if (webView != null) {
webViewWindowId = webView.windowId;
webViewWindowId != null,
"If you are returning a WebView, then WebView.windowId should be not null. To set the " +
"WebView.windowId property, you should use the CreateWindowRequest.windowId property.");
if (webView is HeadlessInAppWebView) {
} else if (inAppBrowserWindow != null) {
if (inAppBrowserWindow is InAppBrowser) {
webViewWindowId = inAppBrowserWindow.windowId;
webViewWindowId != null,
"If you are returning an InAppBrowser, then InAppBrowser.windowId should be not null. To set the " +
"InAppBrowser.windowId property, you should use the CreateWindowRequest.windowId property.");
inAppBrowserWindow.openUrl(url: "about:blank");
} else if (inAppBrowserWindow is HeadlessInAppWebView) {
webViewWindowId = inAppBrowserWindow.windowId;
webViewWindowId != null,
"If you are returning a HeadlessInAppWebView, then HeadlessInAppWebView.windowId should be not null. To set the " +
"HeadlessInAppWebView.windowId property, you should use the CreateWindowRequest.windowId property.");
return webViewWindowId;
return result;
case "onCloseWindow":
if (_webview != null && _webview.onCloseWindow != null)
@ -1222,7 +1187,10 @@ class InAppWebViewController {
String encoding = "utf8",
String baseUrl = "about:blank",
String androidHistoryUrl = "about:blank"}) async {
assert(data != null);
assert(data != null &&
mimeType != null &&
encoding != null &&
baseUrl != null);
Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{};
args.putIfAbsent('data', () => data);
args.putIfAbsent('mimeType', () => mimeType);
@ -132,10 +132,9 @@ abstract class WebView {
///Event fired when the [WebView] requests the host application to create a new window,
///for example when trying to open a link with `target="_blank"` or when `` is called by JavaScript side.
///The return value should be a [WebView] instance or `null`. If it returns `null`, then nothing will happen.
///If it returns an [InAppWebView] instance, when it will be added to the widget tree, it will load the request.
///If it returns a [HeadlessInAppWebView] instance, the [] method will be immediately called.
///Remember to use the [CreateWindowRequest.windowId] to create the new WebView instance.
///If the host application chooses to honor this request, it should return `true` from this method, create a new WebView to host the window.
///If the host application chooses not to honor the request, it should return `false` from this method.
///The default implementation of this method does nothing and hence returns `false`.
///[createWindowRequest] represents the request.
@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ abstract class WebView {
///[IOSInAppWebViewOptions.allowsPictureInPictureMediaPlayback], [IOSInAppWebViewOptions.isFraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled],
///[IOSInAppWebViewOptions.allowsInlineMediaPlayback], [IOSInAppWebViewOptions.suppressesIncrementalRendering], [IOSInAppWebViewOptions.selectionGranularity],
///will have no effect due to a `WKWebView` limitation when creating a new window WebView: it's impossible to return a new `WKWebView`
///will have no effect due to a `WKWebView` limitation when creating the new window WebView: it's impossible to return the new `WKWebView`
///with a different `WKWebViewConfiguration` instance (see
///So, these options will be inherited from the caller WebView.
///Also, note that calling [InAppWebViewController.setOptions] method using the controller of the new created WebView,
@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ abstract class WebView {
///**Official Android API**:,%20boolean,%20boolean,%20android.os.Message)
///**Official iOS API**:
final Future<WebView> Function(InAppWebViewController controller,
final Future<bool> Function(InAppWebViewController controller,
CreateWindowRequest createWindowRequest) onCreateWindow;
///Event fired when the host application should close the given WebView and remove it from the view system if necessary.
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ class AndroidInAppWebViewOptions
///The default value is `true`.
bool hardwareAcceleration;
///Sets whether the WebView whether supports multiple windows.
///Sets whether the WebView supports multiple windows.
///If set to `true`, [onCreateWindow] event must be implemented by the host application. The default value is `false`.
bool supportMultipleWindows;
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ class AndroidInAppWebViewOptions
///This is used to set the JavaScript property `window.navigator.isOnline` and generates the online/offline event as specified in HTML5, sec. 5.7.7.
bool networkAvailable;
///Specify the style of the scrollbars. The scrollbars can be overlaid or inset.
///Specifies the style of the scrollbars. The scrollbars can be overlaid or inset.
///When inset, they add to the padding of the view. And the scrollbars can be drawn inside the padding area or on the edge of the view.
///For example, if a view has a background drawable and you want to draw the scrollbars inside the padding specified by the drawable,
///you can use SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY or SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_INSET. If you want them to appear at the edge of the view, ignoring the padding,
@ -493,23 +493,27 @@ class AndroidInAppWebViewOptions
///The default value is [AndroidScrollBarStyle.SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY].
AndroidScrollBarStyle scrollBarStyle;
///Set the position of the vertical scroll bar.
///Sets the position of the vertical scroll bar.
///The default value is [AndroidVerticalScrollbarPosition.SCROLLBAR_POSITION_DEFAULT].
AndroidVerticalScrollbarPosition verticalScrollbarPosition;
///Defines the delay in milliseconds that a scrollbar waits before fade out.
int scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade;
///Define whether scrollbars will fade when the view is not scrolling.
///Defines whether scrollbars will fade when the view is not scrolling.
///The default value is `true`.
bool scrollbarFadingEnabled;
///Define the scrollbar fade duration in milliseconds.
///Defines the scrollbar fade duration in milliseconds.
int scrollBarFadeDuration;
///Set the renderer priority policy for this WebView.
///Sets the renderer priority policy for this WebView.
RendererPriorityPolicy rendererPriorityPolicy;
///Sets whether the default Android error page should be disabled.
///The default value is `false`.
bool disableDefaultErrorPage;
this.textZoom = 100,
this.clearSessionCache = false,
@ -563,6 +567,7 @@ class AndroidInAppWebViewOptions
this.scrollbarFadingEnabled = true,
@ -618,7 +623,8 @@ class AndroidInAppWebViewOptions
"scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade": scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade,
"scrollbarFadingEnabled": scrollbarFadingEnabled,
"scrollBarFadeDuration": scrollBarFadeDuration,
"rendererPriorityPolicy": rendererPriorityPolicy?.toMap()
"rendererPriorityPolicy": rendererPriorityPolicy?.toMap(),
"disableDefaultErrorPage": disableDefaultErrorPage
@ -686,6 +692,7 @@ class AndroidInAppWebViewOptions
options.scrollBarFadeDuration = map["scrollBarFadeDuration"];
options.rendererPriorityPolicy = RendererPriorityPolicy.fromMap(
map["rendererPriorityPolicy"]?.cast<String, dynamic>());
options.disableDefaultErrorPage = map["disableDefaultErrorPage"];
return options;
Reference in New Issue