Lorenzo Pichilli
Fixed Android screenshot out of memory error, Fixed getFavicons WebView method
2021-02-25 19:48:48 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
bug fixes, fix #450, updated integration tests
2021-02-22 23:38:30 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
code refactoring, new features, replaced String url to Uri uri everywhere, added URLRequest
2021-02-22 12:16:23 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
added AndroidWebViewFeature, AndroidServiceWorkerController, AndroidServiceWorkerClient classes
2021-02-04 21:54:09 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
Added support for Dart null-safety feature, Updated integration tests, Fixed missing properties initialization when using InAppWebViewController.fromInAppBrowser, Removed debuggingEnabled WebView option and added AndroidInAppWebViewController.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled static method
2021-01-28 17:10:15 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
added getScrollX and getScrollY webview methods, added HttpOnly and SameSite set cookie options, added animated option to scrollTo and scrollBy webview methods, Added error and message to the ServerTrustChallenge class for iOS, added contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior webview iOS-specific option, added getCertificate android-specific webview method, added copy and copyWithValue methods for webview class options
2020-06-13 03:50:19 +02:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
fixed android zoom, added new ios webview options, added
> onLongPressHitTestResult event, updated test cases, fixed Promise polyfill, fixed android options
2020-05-09 04:36:07 +02:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
updated shouldOverrideUrlLoading event for #146, added print method and event #128, fix #123 javascript handler for Android API <= 22, renamed onTargetBlank to onCreateWindow event, deleted useOnTargetBlank option, added supportMultipleWindows android option, added getDefaultUserAgent static method, Updated default value for domStorageEnabled option to true
2019-12-10 00:29:09 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
renamed plugin to flutter_inappwebview
2019-11-29 16:59:18 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
fixed android content blocker, updated flutter driver tests
2019-11-25 01:42:27 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
updated driver tests, updated onTargetBlank event for Android
2019-11-20 02:30:16 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
updated ConsoleMessage class, updated evaluateJavascript method, fixed Android JavaScriptBridgeInterface _callHandler method
2019-11-17 18:31:31 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
updated flutter driver tests, fixed javascript code for fetch request interception
2019-11-16 19:54:03 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
fixed ajax interceptor javascript code, re-added flutterInAppBrowserPlatformReady javascript for the window object, tests moved inside example folder using flutter driver
2019-11-16 12:41:30 +01:00 |