Lorenzo Pichilli
Added WebMessageChannel and WebMessageListener features, Updated Android Gradle distributionUrl version to 5.6.4, AndroidInAppWebViewController.getCurrentWebViewPackage is available now starting from Android API 21+, Attempt to fix #665, fix #579, Fixed wrong mapping of NavigationAction class on Android for androidHasGesture and androidIsRedirect properties
2021-03-11 22:42:18 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
Added support for Dart null-safety feature, Updated integration tests, Fixed missing properties initialization when using InAppWebViewController.fromInAppBrowser, Removed debuggingEnabled WebView option and added AndroidInAppWebViewController.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled static method
2021-01-28 17:10:15 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
updated onDownloadStart event API docs
2020-05-29 10:49:08 +02:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
fixed android zoom, added new ios webview options, added
> onLongPressHitTestResult event, updated test cases, fixed Promise polyfill, fixed android options
2020-05-09 04:36:07 +02:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
fix #182, updated java classes for Flutter 1.12 new Java Embedding API (Android)
2019-12-14 16:08:15 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
Added pause and resume methods for Android, Added pauseTimers and resumeTimers methods, Added new historyUrl optional parameter only for Android, fix #202, should fix #201
2019-12-03 00:07:29 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
fixed android content blocker, updated flutter driver tests
2019-11-25 01:42:27 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
added onLoadHttpError event, fixed InAppWebView handleMethod, updated example, updated driver tests
2019-11-21 02:19:43 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
fixed ajax interceptor javascript code, re-added flutterInAppBrowserPlatformReady javascript for the window object, tests moved inside example folder using flutter driver
2019-11-16 12:41:30 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
Added shouldInterceptAjaxRequest, onAjaxReadyStateChange, onAjaxProgressEvent and shouldInterceptFetchRequest events, added useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest and useShouldInterceptFetchRequest webview options, updated node.js server test, added injectJavascriptFileFromAsset and injectCSSFileFromAsset methods, renamed some methods
2019-11-05 03:44:22 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
updated webview options classes, fixed debuggingEnabled, added getTRexRunnerHtml and getTRexRunnerCss methods
2019-11-04 01:39:23 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
added getHtml method, updated android config, remove block on long press webview android, fixed other issues
2019-11-02 19:58:01 +01:00 |
Lorenzo Pichilli
added onReceivedServerTrustAuthRequest and onReceivedClientCertRequest events to manage SSL requests, added clearSslPreferences and clearClientCertPreferences for Android, added nodejs_server_test_auth_basic_and_ssl for testing auth and ssl requests
2019-10-31 23:09:54 +01:00 |