7b8ebf49d9added InAppWebViewControllerKeepAliveProps constructor parameters default value
2024-01-31 14:19:54 +0100
Lorenzo Pichilli
2024-01-31 14:00:17 +0100
599e2fd94fwindows: added openDevTools, callDevToolsProtocolMethod, addDevToolsProtocolEventListener and removeDevToolsProtocolEventListener methods, added some more inappwebview and inappbrowser basic settings
2024-01-31 04:04:26 +0100
e4bfd68313windows: fixed custom platform view context menu and window position
2024-01-22 16:11:43 +0100
ed6283d3b3windows: added content world support for user scripts and javascript evaluation
2024-01-20 22:13:24 +0100
b27036e59bwindows: updated webview and browser creation params, added support for openWithSystemBrowser
2024-01-19 20:16:53 +0100
a4c044a0f1windows: completed initial javascript handler communication and user scripts support, added support for loadFile and loadData
2024-01-19 18:52:00 +0100
9a5dae03bawindows: implemented some other methods and events, initial implementation work for UserScripts and JavaScript handlers
2024-01-19 01:55:55 +0100
Merge pull request #1930 from michalsrutek/feature/fix-couple-of-warnings
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-23 13:56:16 +0100
Michal Srutek
2023-12-21 08:23:29 +0100
621d3fa040Locale split
Michal Srutek
2023-12-21 08:22:55 +0100
e50278a35eipv4 split
Michal Srutek
2023-12-21 08:22:19 +0100
ecfcb3d9f5Next typos fixes
Michal Srutek
2023-12-21 08:21:41 +0100
38e28bec42FIx urlSplit
Michal Srutek
2023-12-21 08:16:00 +0100
7077320f95Consistent colon spacing
Michal Srutek
2023-12-21 08:07:57 +0100
3b999a310eAdditional findings
Michal Srutek
2023-12-20 15:50:43 +0100
7c1cd442bbSwift code improvements
Michal Srutek
2023-12-20 15:45:58 +0100
4797a022c0Remove open default params
Michal Srutek
2023-12-20 12:21:05 +0100
1b15b0bbb1Use enum type inference for encoding
Michal Srutek
2023-12-20 12:19:14 +0100
527a62b562Fix iPad crash due to missing sourceView
Michal Srutek
2023-12-20 12:01:40 +0100
034662136fRemove force unwrapping from dispose method
Michal Srutek
2023-12-20 11:29:46 +0100
b954080321Fix a couple of iOS warnings
Michal Srutek
2023-12-20 11:07:07 +0100
73c27928caupdated pubspec.lock
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-18 12:43:55 +0100
ed450ad678Added CustomPathHandler class to be able to implement Android custom path handlers for WebViewAssetLoader
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-18 12:40:16 +0100
c3c0a45929fixed CHANGELOG.md
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-17 23:09:27 +0100
a4e2170271fixed CHANGELOG.md
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-17 23:09:01 +0100
ac245e6effupdated url inappwebview example
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-17 23:03:00 +0100
4c72bbfc0eAdded InAppBrowser.onMainWindowWillClose event, Added WindowType.WINDOW for InAppWebViewSettings.windowType, fix#1738, Fixed InAppWebViewController.callAsyncJavaScript Android-issue when the last line of the functionBody parameter includes a code comment
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-17 22:58:09 +0100
63c2f7f65cUpdated minimum platform interface and implementation versions
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-12 22:28:38 +0100
18fae1bb13updated ios example identifier
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-12 22:18:41 +0100
b2a0a96898Added InAppWebViewController.clearFormData Android-specific method, Added InAppWebViewController.clearAllCache static method, Added CookieManager.removeSessionCookies Android-specific method, Deprecated InAppWebViewController.clearCache and InAppWebViewSettings.clearCache, Deprecated InAppWebViewSettings.clearSessionCache, Updated CookieManager methods return value
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-12 00:40:25 +0100
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-11 16:12:08 +0100
2a4313dc50updated CHANGELOG and platform implementation version
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-06 18:11:29 +0100
8322dccdaaMerge branch 'EArminjon-patch-1'
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-06 18:05:46 +0100
bfe5971d84fixed InterceptAjaxRequestJS Failed to set responseType property also on iOS and macOS, fixed shouldInterceptAjaxRequest javascript code when overriding XMLHttpRequest.open method parameters
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-06 18:05:18 +0100
7bb70eb7d9fix#1900, Try to load just the URL of an URLRequest if the HTTP method is GET and the HTTP request fails due to an error such as a CORS policy error #1901
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-06 02:19:40 +0100
beb827858fpossible fix for #1894
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-05 19:48:24 +0100
e44c31b456updated dependencies
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-04 04:38:59 +0100
3d66ec0882code format
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-04 04:33:02 +0100
df678091e9Updated minimum platform interface and implementation versions, Fixed events not called on InAppBrowser and ChromeSafariBrowser opening same instance multiple times
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-04 04:32:01 +0100
290cfd6efafix for ios and macos #1738
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-12-01 14:26:34 +0100
d23f7fd41bExpose missing InAppBrowserSettings.menuButtonColor option in constructor platform interface, Fixed iOS InAppBrowserMenuItem.iconColor not working
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-30 15:05:51 +0100
a86c5d1e43updated README Android requirements
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-30 11:04:57 +0100
5e5fac6de9Throw platform exception when ProcessGlobalConfig.apply throws an error on the native side to be able to catch it on Flutter side, updated e.printStackTrace with Log.e where possible
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-30 10:09:03 +0100
23097dbce0Throw platform exception when ProcessGlobalConfig.apply throws an error on the native side to be able to catch it on Flutter side, updated e.printStackTrace with Log.e where possible
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-30 10:08:49 +0100
35fea2c331Updated ContentBlockerHandler CSS_DISPLAY_NONE action type and JavaScriptBridgeJS.JAVASCRIPT_BRIDGE_JS_SOURCE javascript implementation code
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-29 14:35:52 +0100
77bca50f0eExpose missing old AndroidInAppWebViewOptions and IOSInAppWebViewOptions classes from platform interface
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-29 10:32:03 +0100
a931bbbbf6updated test script
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-28 02:37:48 +0100
3facb6a963moved flutter_inappwebview base package to flutter_inappwebview folder, format code
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-28 02:32:01 +0100
f7967d0a42fix#1881, fixed PlatformPrintJobController.onComplete setter
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-28 01:27:06 +0100
fcb92e2bbcMerge branch 'feature/federated-plugin'
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-27 19:29:24 +0100
070d75af2ecreated .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/APP_SHOWCASE.md template
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-27 19:27:31 +0100
49f250d5dcremoved ignored file, created .pubignore
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-27 19:15:47 +0100
d5b3d9c9faupdated CHANGELOG
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-27 19:02:50 +0100
c03914f144updated README
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-27 18:59:19 +0100
40c36b8df3updated README
Lorenzo Pichilli
2023-11-27 18:48:38 +0100