e2bd307664updated flutter driver tests, fixed javascript code for fetch request interception
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-16 19:54:03 +0100
3869f89326fixed docs
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-16 13:10:00 +0100
a65909038cfixed ajax interceptor javascript code, re-added flutterInAppBrowserPlatformReady javascript for the window object, tests moved inside example folder using flutter driver
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-16 12:41:30 +0100
Merge pull request #1 from pichillilorenzo/master
2019-11-11 10:03:19 +0800
f89610ae29updated AjaxRequest class, fixed 'InvalidStateError' ajax error #189, No need to listen to window.addEventListener(flutterInAppBrowserPlatformReady, fuction(){ }) javascript event anymore to use JaaScript message handlers
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-11 00:16:38 +0100
44c17d1efeupdated code docs
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-10 14:11:30 +0100
bb0e7f70c7fixed InAppWebViewOptions error, fixed javascript error for ajax requests
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-10 11:50:01 +0100
0c17e03256updated code docs, fixed javascript code for the ajax and fetch request event handlers
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-09 23:35:18 +0100
a59dee7c5dupdated code docs
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-08 22:31:57 +0100
6c5e314795updated code docs
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-08 19:12:21 +0100
16de8b199dadded onNavigationStateChange, updated onAjaxProgress and onAjaxReadyStateChange return type
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-06 00:23:24 +0100
18919576e0Added shouldInterceptAjaxRequest, onAjaxReadyStateChange, onAjaxProgressEvent and shouldInterceptFetchRequest events, added useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest and useShouldInterceptFetchRequest webview options, updated node.js server test, added injectJavascriptFileFromAsset and injectCSSFileFromAsset methods, renamed some methods
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-05 03:44:22 +0100
17c005561bfix choose file callback in android
2019-11-04 16:36:05 +0800
2811fce463updated webview options classes, fixed debuggingEnabled, added getTRexRunnerHtml and getTRexRunnerCss methods
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-04 01:39:23 +0100
299042f828added getHtml method, updated android config, remove block on long press webview android, fixed other issues
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-02 19:58:01 +0100
6518697e55added onFindResultReceived event, added findAllAsync, findNext and clearMatches methods
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-11-02 04:16:47 +0100
1f67e98213added onReceivedServerTrustAuthRequest and onReceivedClientCertRequest events to manage SSL requests, added clearSslPreferences and clearClientCertPreferences for Android, added nodejs_server_test_auth_basic_and_ssl for testing auth and ssl requests
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-10-31 23:09:54 +0100
fed99ec0e9added debuggingEnabled option, fixed InputConnection error on Android
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-10-29 17:51:55 +0100
ab3b5c3935updated android safe browsing, updated ios browser and SafariViewController options, added onSafeBrowsingHit event for android
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-10-29 15:27:50 +0100
153ab6023fUpdated javascript popups events
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-10-29 12:16:31 +0100
ab0a5cc5b5Added , (available only for Android), Added , and events to manage javascript popup dialogs only for Android now, added support for javascript dialogs popups for iOS
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-10-29 03:03:50 +0100
bc6bed1891Added new WebView option minimumFontSize, Added new Android WebView options, Added new iOS WebView options, Added onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt event and GeolocationPermissionShowPromptResponse class (available only for Android), updated Android ContentBlocker, updated Android build.gradle compileSdkVersion 29
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-10-28 04:58:25 +0100
3ffa1c0a43Updated onLoadResource event, Updated WebResourceResponse class, Deleted WebResourceRequest class, added useOnDownloadStart option, created webview options classes, added initial content blocking support
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-10-26 22:11:23 +0200
49983cfdafadded onDownloadStart event, onLoadResourceCustomScheme event and resourceCustomSchemes option, onTargetBlank event and useOnTargetBlank option, code refactoring
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-10-26 04:42:50 +0200
5fc1d405d3updated plugin version, added new options to hide/show scrollbars #165, initial support for DownloadManager in Android and iOS
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-10-25 03:21:03 +0200
9470a529f4Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-10-24 18:27:59 +0200
10b42f20c3fix migration to Swift 5, updated README.md, fix#149
Lorenzo Pichilli
2019-10-24 18:27:28 +0200