Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-08 17:23:34 +0100
124d2ae0decode formatting
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-08 10:23:20 +0100
659c524908fix#507 again
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-08 10:22:13 +0100
c9f8466ac2Fixed missing MATCH_PARENT layout params to the WebView on Android when it is wrapped by PullToRefreshLayout
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-07 21:34:14 +0100
98d705b9e6code formatting
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-06 16:13:05 +0100
237ba6efb4Added a test for the pull-to-refresh feature when used on Android.
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-06 16:10:31 +0100
0744743c97code formatting
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-05 23:32:49 +0100
5cc257895cUpdated README.md, updated example
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-05 23:29:25 +0100
c7c0b9b67ffix example, fix #703
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-05 23:24:33 +0100
b6d4fb9596Added support for pull-to-refresh feature (fix#395), Fixed issue not rendering WebView content when scrolling on iOS (fix#704), Fixed InAppBrowser.openData method, InAppBrowser.initialUserScripts InAppBrowser.id HeadlessInAppWebView.id properties are final now
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-05 23:19:50 +0100
da94374ddaupdated README.md
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-04 01:38:41 +0100
31b4addc71updated README.md
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-04 01:37:56 +0100
83686f331cupdated README.md
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-04 01:37:04 +0100
26feeeaf92Fixed Android 'evaluateJavascript' method when using 'contentWorld: ContentWorld.PAGE'
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-02 01:09:55 +0100
0301190608Updated docs for iOS-specific options alwaysBounceVertical and alwaysBounceHorizontal
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-01 20:36:31 +0100
a8858020f2fix publish.sh script
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-01 20:26:57 +0100
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-01 20:24:26 +0100
b41eb693a5new stable version 5.0.5
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-01 16:43:50 +0100
74550d1186Removed all the dependencies: uuid, device_info, intl, and mime
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-03-01 03:21:07 +0100
87e617a523Updated README.md
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-28 18:06:52 +0100
4b7c88979cUpdated README.md
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-28 18:06:24 +0100
0df74b2978Updated Android WebChromeClient.getDefaultVideoPoster, updated README.md
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-28 18:04:02 +0100
82f1dee4a1fixed flutter analyze warnings
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-26 11:27:29 +0100
de89f2637bAdded headers and statusCode properties to IOSURLResponse class #693
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-26 11:22:57 +0100
f92373cb62Fixed Android screenshot out of memory error, Fixed getFavicons WebView method
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-25 19:48:48 +0100
441f4cb762Fixed missing verticalScrollbarThumbColor, verticalScrollbarTrackColor, horizontalScrollbarThumbColor, horizontalScrollbarTrackColor Android-specific WebView options when calling native java setOptions() method on Android
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-25 09:33:49 +0100
76b424d253updated README.md
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-25 00:07:06 +0100
41eefd62b2updated README.md
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-25 00:05:29 +0100
148deb68dbupdated README.md
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-25 00:04:17 +0100
1e63238eb8updated README.md, Added verticalScrollbarThumbColor, verticalScrollbarTrackColor, horizontalScrollbarThumbColor, horizontalScrollbarTrackColor Android-specific WebView options, Fixed some null types and wrong casting
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-25 00:00:46 +0100
35cea5b01aprerelease 5.0.0-nullsafety.0
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-22 23:59:11 +0100
68f98754dfcode format
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-22 23:54:09 +0100
0b0bce66aacode refactoring, new features, replaced String url to Uri uri everywhere, added URLRequest
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-22 12:16:23 +0100
de9d081af2fix#679, updated X509Certificate classes, removed androidOnRequestFocus event because it is never called
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-12 17:14:13 +0100
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 17:40:13 +0100
27d045f320github workflow splitted
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 14:21:30 +0100
3d10785fb7fixed integration tests
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 12:50:41 +0100
659a282fcbupdated flutter-drive.yml
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 12:22:14 +0100
e9da7c805dfixed integration tests
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 11:59:55 +0100
a4e76344a6updated flutter-drive.yml
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 11:15:48 +0100
63a71e11ceupdated flutter-drive.yml
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 11:14:09 +0100
e6832a2f33updated flutter-drive.yml
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 11:11:27 +0100
2af90fd897updated flutter-drive.yml
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 10:57:35 +0100
dd9c90a9a0updated flutter-drive.yml
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 10:52:12 +0100
275688dfb9updated flutter-drive.yml
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 10:50:27 +0100
1aaac32c8eupdated flutter-drive.yml
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 10:36:24 +0100
510a916e18updated flutter-drive.yml
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 10:31:27 +0100
c4af614ab2updated flutter-drive.yml
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 10:28:11 +0100
4519160d4fupdated flutter-drive.yml
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 10:22:54 +0100
5f6a8969c2added other tests, added github action workflow
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 10:21:22 +0100
dd1754041bupdated .cirrus.yml and .travis.yml
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-11 00:38:02 +0100
f94e489cedfix docs
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-10 21:29:45 +0100
906baa1f49updated README.md
Lorenzo Pichilli
2021-02-10 21:26:19 +0100