
488 lines
15 KiB

import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class ViewIdGenerator {
static int _count = 0;
/// Math.Random()-based RNG. All platforms, fast, not cryptographically strong. Optional Seed passable.
static Uint8List mathRNG({int seed = -1}) {
var b = Uint8List(16);
var rand = (seed == -1) ? Random() : Random(seed);
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
b[i] = rand.nextInt(256);
(seed == -1) ? b.shuffle() : b.shuffle(Random(seed));
return b;
/// Crypto-Strong RNG. All platforms, unknown speed, cryptographically strong (theoretically)
static Uint8List cryptoRNG() {
var b = Uint8List(16);
var rand =;
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
b[i] = rand.nextInt(256);
return b;
static String generateId() {
return _count.toString() + cryptoRNG().map((e) => e.toString()).join('');
extension UtilColor on Color {
static Color? fromStringRepresentation(String colorValue) {
if (colorValue.startsWith("#")) {
return fromHex(colorValue);
} else if (colorValue.startsWith("rgb(")) {
return fromRgbString(colorValue);
} else if (colorValue.startsWith("rgba(")) {
return fromRgbaString(colorValue);
} else if (colorValue.startsWith("hls(")) {
return fromHlsString(colorValue);
} else if (colorValue.startsWith("hlsa(")) {
return fromHlsaString(colorValue);
} else {
This part of the code is generated using the JavaScript code below on this link:
let code = 'switch(colorValue) {\n';
const table = document.querySelector('.named-color-table');
const colorNameCells = table.querySelectorAll('tr > th dfn');
const colorHexValueCells = table.querySelectorAll('tr > td:nth-child(4)');
for (let i = 0; i < colorNameCells.length; i++) {
const colorName = colorNameCells[i].textContent.trim();
const colorHexValue = colorHexValueCells[i].textContent.trim();
code += ' case "' + colorName + '":\n';
code += ' return getColorFromHex("' + colorHexValue + '");\n';
code += '}';
switch (colorValue) {
case "aliceblue":
return fromHex("#f0f8ff");
case "antiquewhite":
return fromHex("#faebd7");
case "aqua":
return fromHex("#00ffff");
case "aquamarine":
return fromHex("#7fffd4");
case "azure":
return fromHex("#f0ffff");
case "beige":
return fromHex("#f5f5dc");
case "bisque":
return fromHex("#ffe4c4");
case "black":
return fromHex("#000000");
case "blanchedalmond":
return fromHex("#ffebcd");
case "blue":
return fromHex("#0000ff");
case "blueviolet":
return fromHex("#8a2be2");
case "brown":
return fromHex("#a52a2a");
case "burlywood":
return fromHex("#deb887");
case "cadetblue":
return fromHex("#5f9ea0");
case "chartreuse":
return fromHex("#7fff00");
case "chocolate":
return fromHex("#d2691e");
case "coral":
return fromHex("#ff7f50");
case "cornflowerblue":
return fromHex("#6495ed");
case "cornsilk":
return fromHex("#fff8dc");
case "crimson":
return fromHex("#dc143c");
case "cyan":
return fromHex("#00ffff");
case "darkblue":
return fromHex("#00008b");
case "darkcyan":
return fromHex("#008b8b");
case "darkgoldenrod":
return fromHex("#b8860b");
case "darkgray":
return fromHex("#a9a9a9");
case "darkgreen":
return fromHex("#006400");
case "darkgrey":
return fromHex("#a9a9a9");
case "darkkhaki":
return fromHex("#bdb76b");
case "darkmagenta":
return fromHex("#8b008b");
case "darkolivegreen":
return fromHex("#556b2f");
case "darkorange":
return fromHex("#ff8c00");
case "darkorchid":
return fromHex("#9932cc");
case "darkred":
return fromHex("#8b0000");
case "darksalmon":
return fromHex("#e9967a");
case "darkseagreen":
return fromHex("#8fbc8f");
case "darkslateblue":
return fromHex("#483d8b");
case "darkslategray":
return fromHex("#2f4f4f");
case "darkslategrey":
return fromHex("#2f4f4f");
case "darkturquoise":
return fromHex("#00ced1");
case "darkviolet":
return fromHex("#9400d3");
case "deeppink":
return fromHex("#ff1493");
case "deepskyblue":
return fromHex("#00bfff");
case "dimgray":
return fromHex("#696969");
case "dimgrey":
return fromHex("#696969");
case "dodgerblue":
return fromHex("#1e90ff");
case "firebrick":
return fromHex("#b22222");
case "floralwhite":
return fromHex("#fffaf0");
case "forestgreen":
return fromHex("#228b22");
case "fuchsia":
return fromHex("#ff00ff");
case "gainsboro":
return fromHex("#dcdcdc");
case "ghostwhite":
return fromHex("#f8f8ff");
case "gold":
return fromHex("#ffd700");
case "goldenrod":
return fromHex("#daa520");
case "gray":
return fromHex("#808080");
case "green":
return fromHex("#008000");
case "greenyellow":
return fromHex("#adff2f");
case "grey":
return fromHex("#808080");
case "honeydew":
return fromHex("#f0fff0");
case "hotpink":
return fromHex("#ff69b4");
case "indianred":
return fromHex("#cd5c5c");
case "indigo":
return fromHex("#4b0082");
case "ivory":
return fromHex("#fffff0");
case "khaki":
return fromHex("#f0e68c");
case "lavender":
return fromHex("#e6e6fa");
case "lavenderblush":
return fromHex("#fff0f5");
case "lawngreen":
return fromHex("#7cfc00");
case "lemonchiffon":
return fromHex("#fffacd");
case "lightblue":
return fromHex("#add8e6");
case "lightcoral":
return fromHex("#f08080");
case "lightcyan":
return fromHex("#e0ffff");
case "lightgoldenrodyellow":
return fromHex("#fafad2");
case "lightgray":
return fromHex("#d3d3d3");
case "lightgreen":
return fromHex("#90ee90");
case "lightgrey":
return fromHex("#d3d3d3");
case "lightpink":
return fromHex("#ffb6c1");
case "lightsalmon":
return fromHex("#ffa07a");
case "lightseagreen":
return fromHex("#20b2aa");
case "lightskyblue":
return fromHex("#87cefa");
case "lightslategray":
return fromHex("#778899");
case "lightslategrey":
return fromHex("#778899");
case "lightsteelblue":
return fromHex("#b0c4de");
case "lightyellow":
return fromHex("#ffffe0");
case "lime":
return fromHex("#00ff00");
case "limegreen":
return fromHex("#32cd32");
case "linen":
return fromHex("#faf0e6");
case "magenta":
return fromHex("#ff00ff");
case "maroon":
return fromHex("#800000");
case "mediumaquamarine":
return fromHex("#66cdaa");
case "mediumblue":
return fromHex("#0000cd");
case "mediumorchid":
return fromHex("#ba55d3");
case "mediumpurple":
return fromHex("#9370db");
case "mediumseagreen":
return fromHex("#3cb371");
case "mediumslateblue":
return fromHex("#7b68ee");
case "mediumspringgreen":
return fromHex("#00fa9a");
case "mediumturquoise":
return fromHex("#48d1cc");
case "mediumvioletred":
return fromHex("#c71585");
case "midnightblue":
return fromHex("#191970");
case "mintcream":
return fromHex("#f5fffa");
case "mistyrose":
return fromHex("#ffe4e1");
case "moccasin":
return fromHex("#ffe4b5");
case "navajowhite":
return fromHex("#ffdead");
case "navy":
return fromHex("#000080");
case "oldlace":
return fromHex("#fdf5e6");
case "olive":
return fromHex("#808000");
case "olivedrab":
return fromHex("#6b8e23");
case "orange":
return fromHex("#ffa500");
case "orangered":
return fromHex("#ff4500");
case "orchid":
return fromHex("#da70d6");
case "palegoldenrod":
return fromHex("#eee8aa");
case "palegreen":
return fromHex("#98fb98");
case "paleturquoise":
return fromHex("#afeeee");
case "palevioletred":
return fromHex("#db7093");
case "papayawhip":
return fromHex("#ffefd5");
case "peachpuff":
return fromHex("#ffdab9");
case "peru":
return fromHex("#cd853f");
case "pink":
return fromHex("#ffc0cb");
case "plum":
return fromHex("#dda0dd");
case "powderblue":
return fromHex("#b0e0e6");
case "purple":
return fromHex("#800080");
case "rebeccapurple":
return fromHex("#663399");
case "red":
return fromHex("#ff0000");
case "rosybrown":
return fromHex("#bc8f8f");
case "royalblue":
return fromHex("#4169e1");
case "saddlebrown":
return fromHex("#8b4513");
case "salmon":
return fromHex("#fa8072");
case "sandybrown":
return fromHex("#f4a460");
case "seagreen":
return fromHex("#2e8b57");
case "seashell":
return fromHex("#fff5ee");
case "sienna":
return fromHex("#a0522d");
case "silver":
return fromHex("#c0c0c0");
case "skyblue":
return fromHex("#87ceeb");
case "slateblue":
return fromHex("#6a5acd");
case "slategray":
return fromHex("#708090");
case "slategrey":
return fromHex("#708090");
case "snow":
return fromHex("#fffafa");
case "springgreen":
return fromHex("#00ff7f");
case "steelblue":
return fromHex("#4682b4");
case "tan":
return fromHex("#d2b48c");
case "teal":
return fromHex("#008080");
case "thistle":
return fromHex("#d8bfd8");
case "tomato":
return fromHex("#ff6347");
case "turquoise":
return fromHex("#40e0d0");
case "violet":
return fromHex("#ee82ee");
case "wheat":
return fromHex("#f5deb3");
case "white":
return fromHex("#ffffff");
case "whitesmoke":
return fromHex("#f5f5f5");
case "yellow":
return fromHex("#ffff00");
case "yellowgreen":
return fromHex("#9acd32");
return null;
static Color? fromHex(String? hexString) {
if (hexString == null) {
return null;
hexString = hexString.trim();
if (hexString.length == 4) {
// convert for example #f00 to #ff0000
hexString =
"#" + (hexString[1] * 2) + (hexString[2] * 2) + (hexString[3] * 2);
final buffer = StringBuffer();
if (hexString.length == 6 || hexString.length == 7) buffer.write('ff');
buffer.write(hexString.replaceFirst('#', ''));
return Color(int.parse(buffer.toString(), radix: 16));
static Color? fromRgbString(String? rgbString) {
if (rgbString == null) {
return null;
rgbString = rgbString.trim();
var rgbValues = rgbString
.substring(4, rgbString.length - 1)
.map((rbgValue) => int.parse(rbgValue.trim()))
return Color.fromRGBO(rgbValues[0], rgbValues[1], rgbValues[2], 1);
static Color? fromRgbaString(String? rgbaString) {
if (rgbaString == null) {
return null;
rgbaString = rgbaString.trim();
var rgbaValues = rgbaString
.substring(5, rgbaString.length - 1)
.map((rbgValue) => rbgValue.trim())
return Color.fromRGBO(int.parse(rgbaValues[0]), int.parse(rgbaValues[1]),
int.parse(rgbaValues[2]), double.parse(rgbaValues[3]));
static Color? fromHlsString(String? hlsString) {
if (hlsString == null) {
return null;
hlsString = hlsString.trim();
var hlsValues = hlsString
.substring(4, hlsString.length - 1)
.map((rbgValue) => double.parse(rbgValue.trim()))
var rgbValues = _hslToRgb(hlsValues[0], hlsValues[1], hlsValues[2]);
return Color.fromRGBO(rgbValues[0], rgbValues[1], rgbValues[2], 1);
static Color? fromHlsaString(String? hlsaString) {
if (hlsaString == null) {
return null;
hlsaString = hlsaString.trim();
var hlsaValues = hlsaString
.substring(5, hlsaString.length - 1)
.map((rbgValue) => double.parse(rbgValue.trim()))
var rgbaValues = _hslToRgb(hlsaValues[0], hlsaValues[1], hlsaValues[2]);
return Color.fromRGBO(
rgbaValues[0], rgbaValues[1], rgbaValues[2], hlsaValues[3]);
static List<int> _hslToRgb(double h, double s, double l) {
double r, g, b;
if (s == 0) {
r = g = b = l; // achromatic
} else {
double q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
double p = 2 * l - q;
r = _hueToRgb(p, q, h + 1 / 3);
g = _hueToRgb(p, q, h);
b = _hueToRgb(p, q, h - 1 / 3);
var rgb = [_to255(r), _to255(g), _to255(b)];
return rgb;
static int _to255(double v) {
return min(255, (256 * v).round());
/// Helper method that converts hue to rgb
static double _hueToRgb(double p, double q, double t) {
if (t < 0) t += 1;
if (t > 1) t -= 1;
if (t < 1 / 6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
if (t < 1 / 2) return q;
if (t < 2 / 3) return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6;
return p;
extension HexColor on Color {
/// Prefixes a hash sign if [leadingHashSign] is set to `true` (default is `true`).
String toHex({bool leadingHashSign = true}) => '${leadingHashSign ? '#' : ''}'
'${alpha.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0')}'
'${red.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0')}'
'${green.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0')}'
'${blue.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0')}';