599 lines
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Executable File
599 lines
25 KiB
Executable File
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'in_app_webview/in_app_webview_controller.dart';
import 'in_app_webview/in_app_webview_settings.dart';
import 'in_app_webview/headless_in_app_webview.dart';
import 'platform_util.dart';
import 'types/main.dart';
///Class that implements a singleton object (shared instance) which manages the cookies used by WebView instances.
///On Android, it is implemented using [CookieManager](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/CookieManager).
///On iOS, it is implemented using [WKHTTPCookieStore](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wkhttpcookiestore).
///**NOTE for iOS below 11.0 (LIMITED SUPPORT!)**: in this case, almost all of the methods ([CookieManager.deleteAllCookies] and [CookieManager.getAllCookies] are not supported!)
///has been implemented using JavaScript because there is no other way to work with them on iOS below 11.0.
///See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#restrict_access_to_cookies for JavaScript restrictions.
///**NOTE for Web (LIMITED SUPPORT!)**: in this case, almost all of the methods ([CookieManager.deleteAllCookies] and [CookieManager.getAllCookies] are not supported!)
///has been implemented using JavaScript, so all methods will have effect only if the iframe has the same origin.
///See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#restrict_access_to_cookies for JavaScript restrictions.
///**Supported Platforms/Implementations**:
///- Android native WebView
///- iOS
///- Web
class CookieManager {
static CookieManager? _instance;
static const MethodChannel _channel = const MethodChannel(
///Contains only iOS-specific methods of [CookieManager].
///Use [CookieManager] instead.
@Deprecated("Use CookieManager instead")
late IOSCookieManager ios;
///Gets the [CookieManager] shared instance.
static CookieManager instance() {
return (_instance != null) ? _instance! : _init();
static CookieManager _init() {
_instance = CookieManager();
// ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
_instance!.ios = IOSCookieManager.instance();
return _instance!;
static Future<dynamic> _handleMethod(MethodCall call) async {}
///Sets a cookie for the given [url]. Any existing cookie with the same [host], [path] and [name] will be replaced with the new cookie.
///The cookie being set will be ignored if it is expired.
///The default value of [path] is `"/"`.
///If [domain] is `null`, its default value will be the domain name of [url].
///[webViewController] could be used if you need to set a session-only cookie using JavaScript (so [isHttpOnly] cannot be set, see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#restrict_access_to_cookies)
///on the current URL of the [WebView] managed by that controller when you need to target iOS below 11 and Web platform. In this case the [url] parameter is ignored.
///**NOTE for iOS below 11.0**: If [webViewController] is `null` or JavaScript is disabled for it, it will try to use a [HeadlessInAppWebView]
///to set the cookie (session-only cookie won't work! In that case, you should set also [expiresDate] or [maxAge]).
///**NOTE for Web**: this method will have effect only if the iframe has the same origin.
///If [webViewController] is `null` or JavaScript is disabled for it, it will try to use a [HeadlessInAppWebView]
///to set the cookie (session-only cookie won't work! In that case, you should set also [expiresDate] or [maxAge]).
///**Supported Platforms/Implementations**:
///- Android native WebView ([Official API - CookieManager.setCookie](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/CookieManager#setCookie(java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20android.webkit.ValueCallback%3Cjava.lang.Boolean%3E)))
///- iOS ([Official API - WKHTTPCookieStore.setCookie](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wkhttpcookiestore/2882007-setcookie))
///- Web
Future<void> setCookie(
{required Uri url,
required String name,
required String value,
String? domain,
String path = "/",
int? expiresDate,
int? maxAge,
bool? isSecure,
bool? isHttpOnly,
HTTPCookieSameSitePolicy? sameSite,
@Deprecated("Use webViewController instead")
InAppWebViewController? iosBelow11WebViewController,
InAppWebViewController? webViewController}) async {
if (domain == null) domain = _getDomainName(url);
webViewController = webViewController ?? iosBelow11WebViewController;
if (defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS || kIsWeb) {
var shouldUseJavascript = kIsWeb;
if (defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS && !kIsWeb) {
var platformUtil = PlatformUtil.instance();
var version = double.tryParse(await platformUtil.getSystemVersion());
shouldUseJavascript = version != null && version < 11.0;
if (shouldUseJavascript) {
await _setCookieWithJavaScript(
url: url,
name: name,
value: value,
domain: domain,
path: path,
expiresDate: expiresDate,
maxAge: maxAge,
isSecure: isSecure,
sameSite: sameSite,
webViewController: webViewController);
Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{};
args.putIfAbsent('url', () => url.toString());
args.putIfAbsent('name', () => name);
args.putIfAbsent('value', () => value);
args.putIfAbsent('domain', () => domain);
args.putIfAbsent('path', () => path);
args.putIfAbsent('expiresDate', () => expiresDate?.toString());
args.putIfAbsent('maxAge', () => maxAge);
args.putIfAbsent('isSecure', () => isSecure);
args.putIfAbsent('isHttpOnly', () => isHttpOnly);
args.putIfAbsent('sameSite', () => sameSite?.toNativeValue());
await _channel.invokeMethod('setCookie', args);
Future<void> _setCookieWithJavaScript(
{required Uri url,
required String name,
required String value,
required String domain,
String path = "/",
int? expiresDate,
int? maxAge,
bool? isSecure,
HTTPCookieSameSitePolicy? sameSite,
InAppWebViewController? webViewController}) async {
var cookieValue =
name + "=" + value + "; Domain=" + domain + "; Path=" + path;
if (expiresDate != null)
cookieValue += "; Expires=" + await _getCookieExpirationDate(expiresDate);
if (maxAge != null) cookieValue += "; Max-Age=" + maxAge.toString();
if (isSecure != null && isSecure) cookieValue += "; Secure";
if (sameSite != null) cookieValue += "; SameSite=" + sameSite.toNativeValue();
cookieValue += ";";
if (webViewController != null) {
InAppWebViewSettings? settings = await webViewController.getSettings();
if (settings != null && settings.javaScriptEnabled) {
await webViewController.evaluateJavascript(
source: 'document.cookie="$cookieValue"');
var setCookieCompleter = Completer<void>();
var headlessWebView = new HeadlessInAppWebView(
initialUrlRequest: URLRequest(url: url),
onLoadStop: (controller, url) async {
await controller.evaluateJavascript(
source: 'document.cookie="$cookieValue"');
await headlessWebView.run();
await setCookieCompleter.future;
await headlessWebView.dispose();
///Gets all the cookies for the given [url].
///[webViewController] is used for getting the cookies (also session-only cookies) using JavaScript (cookies with `isHttpOnly` enabled cannot be found, see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#restrict_access_to_cookies)
///from the current context of the [WebView] managed by that controller when you need to target iOS below 11 and Web platform. JavaScript must be enabled in order to work.
///In this case the [url] parameter is ignored.
///**NOTE for iOS below 11.0**: All the cookies returned this way will have all the properties to `null` except for [Cookie.name] and [Cookie.value].
///If [webViewController] is `null` or JavaScript is disabled for it, it will try to use a [HeadlessInAppWebView]
///to get the cookies (session-only cookies and cookies with `isHttpOnly` enabled won't be found!).
///**NOTE for Web**: this method will have effect only if the iframe has the same origin.
///If [webViewController] is `null` or JavaScript is disabled for it, it will try to use a [HeadlessInAppWebView]
///to get the cookies (session-only cookies and cookies with `isHttpOnly` enabled won't be found!).
///**Supported Platforms/Implementations**:
///- Android native WebView ([Official API - CookieManager.getCookie](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/CookieManager#getCookie(java.lang.String)))
///- iOS ([Official API - WKHTTPCookieStore.getAllCookies](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wkhttpcookiestore/2882005-getallcookies))
///- Web
Future<List<Cookie>> getCookies(
{required Uri url,
@Deprecated("Use webViewController instead")
InAppWebViewController? iosBelow11WebViewController,
InAppWebViewController? webViewController}) async {
webViewController = webViewController ?? iosBelow11WebViewController;
if (defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS || kIsWeb) {
var shouldUseJavascript = kIsWeb;
if (defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS && !kIsWeb) {
var platformUtil = PlatformUtil.instance();
var version = double.tryParse(await platformUtil.getSystemVersion());
shouldUseJavascript = version != null && version < 11.0;
if (shouldUseJavascript) {
return await _getCookiesWithJavaScript(
url: url, webViewController: webViewController);
List<Cookie> cookies = [];
Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{};
args.putIfAbsent('url', () => url.toString());
List<dynamic> cookieListMap =
await _channel.invokeMethod('getCookies', args);
cookieListMap = cookieListMap.cast<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>();
cookieListMap.forEach((cookieMap) {
name: cookieMap["name"],
value: cookieMap["value"],
expiresDate: cookieMap["expiresDate"],
isSessionOnly: cookieMap["isSessionOnly"],
domain: cookieMap["domain"],
sameSite: HTTPCookieSameSitePolicy.fromNativeValue(cookieMap["sameSite"]),
isSecure: cookieMap["isSecure"],
isHttpOnly: cookieMap["isHttpOnly"],
path: cookieMap["path"]));
return cookies;
Future<List<Cookie>> _getCookiesWithJavaScript(
{required Uri url, InAppWebViewController? webViewController}) async {
List<Cookie> cookies = [];
if (webViewController != null) {
InAppWebViewSettings? settings = await webViewController.getSettings();
if (settings != null && settings.javaScriptEnabled) {
List<String> documentCookies = (await webViewController
.evaluateJavascript(source: 'document.cookie') as String)
.map((documentCookie) => documentCookie.trim())
documentCookies.forEach((documentCookie) {
List<String> cookie = documentCookie.split('=');
if (cookie.length > 1) {
name: cookie[0],
value: cookie[1],
return cookies;
var pageLoaded = Completer<void>();
var headlessWebView = new HeadlessInAppWebView(
initialUrlRequest: URLRequest(url: url),
onLoadStop: (controller, url) async {
await headlessWebView.run();
await pageLoaded.future;
List<String> documentCookies = (await headlessWebView.webViewController
.evaluateJavascript(source: 'document.cookie') as String)
.map((documentCookie) => documentCookie.trim())
documentCookies.forEach((documentCookie) {
List<String> cookie = documentCookie.split('=');
if (cookie.length > 1) {
name: cookie[0],
value: cookie[1],
await headlessWebView.dispose();
return cookies;
///Gets a cookie by its [name] for the given [url].
///[webViewController] is used for getting the cookie (also session-only cookie) using JavaScript (cookie with `isHttpOnly` enabled cannot be found, see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#restrict_access_to_cookies)
///from the current context of the [WebView] managed by that controller when you need to target iOS below 11 and Web platform. JavaScript must be enabled in order to work.
///In this case the [url] parameter is ignored.
///**NOTE for iOS below 11.0**: All the cookies returned this way will have all the properties to `null` except for [Cookie.name] and [Cookie.value].
///If [webViewController] is `null` or JavaScript is disabled for it, it will try to use a [HeadlessInAppWebView]
///to get the cookie (session-only cookie and cookie with `isHttpOnly` enabled won't be found!).
///**NOTE for Web**: this method will have effect only if the iframe has the same origin.
///If [webViewController] is `null` or JavaScript is disabled for it, it will try to use a [HeadlessInAppWebView]
///to get the cookie (session-only cookie and cookie with `isHttpOnly` enabled won't be found!).
///**Supported Platforms/Implementations**:
///- Android native WebView
///- iOS
///- Web
Future<Cookie?> getCookie(
{required Uri url,
required String name,
@Deprecated("Use webViewController instead")
InAppWebViewController? iosBelow11WebViewController,
InAppWebViewController? webViewController}) async {
webViewController = webViewController ?? iosBelow11WebViewController;
if (defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS || kIsWeb) {
var shouldUseJavascript = kIsWeb;
if (defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS && !kIsWeb) {
var platformUtil = PlatformUtil.instance();
var version = double.tryParse(await platformUtil.getSystemVersion());
shouldUseJavascript = version != null && version < 11.0;
if (shouldUseJavascript) {
List<Cookie> cookies = await _getCookiesWithJavaScript(
url: url, webViewController: webViewController);
return cookies
.firstWhere((cookie) => cookie!.name == name, orElse: () => null);
Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{};
args.putIfAbsent('url', () => url.toString());
List<dynamic> cookies = await _channel.invokeMethod('getCookies', args);
cookies = cookies.cast<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>();
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
cookies[i] = cookies[i].cast<String, dynamic>();
if (cookies[i]["name"] == name)
return Cookie(
name: cookies[i]["name"],
value: cookies[i]["value"],
expiresDate: cookies[i]["expiresDate"],
isSessionOnly: cookies[i]["isSessionOnly"],
domain: cookies[i]["domain"],
isSecure: cookies[i]["isSecure"],
isHttpOnly: cookies[i]["isHttpOnly"],
path: cookies[i]["path"]);
return null;
///Removes a cookie by its [name] for the given [url], [domain] and [path].
///The default value of [path] is `"/"`.
///If [domain] is empty, its default value will be the domain name of [url].
///[webViewController] is used for deleting the cookie (also session-only cookie) using JavaScript (cookie with `isHttpOnly` enabled cannot be deleted, see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#restrict_access_to_cookies)
///from the current context of the [WebView] managed by that controller when you need to target iOS below 11 and Web platform. JavaScript must be enabled in order to work.
///In this case the [url] parameter is ignored.
///**NOTE for iOS below 11.0**: If [webViewController] is `null` or JavaScript is disabled for it, it will try to use a [HeadlessInAppWebView]
///to delete the cookie (session-only cookie and cookie with `isHttpOnly` enabled won't be deleted!).
///**NOTE for Web**: this method will have effect only if the iframe has the same origin.
///If [webViewController] is `null` or JavaScript is disabled for it, it will try to use a [HeadlessInAppWebView]
///to delete the cookie (session-only cookie and cookie with `isHttpOnly` enabled won't be deleted!).
///**Supported Platforms/Implementations**:
///- Android native WebView
///- iOS ([Official API - WKHTTPCookieStore.delete](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wkhttpcookiestore/2882009-delete)
///- Web
Future<void> deleteCookie(
{required Uri url,
required String name,
String domain = "",
String path = "/",
@Deprecated("Use webViewController instead")
InAppWebViewController? iosBelow11WebViewController,
InAppWebViewController? webViewController}) async {
if (domain.isEmpty) domain = _getDomainName(url);
webViewController = webViewController ?? iosBelow11WebViewController;
if (defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS || kIsWeb) {
var shouldUseJavascript = kIsWeb;
if (defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS && !kIsWeb) {
var platformUtil = PlatformUtil.instance();
var version = double.tryParse(await platformUtil.getSystemVersion());
shouldUseJavascript = version != null && version < 11.0;
if (shouldUseJavascript) {
await _setCookieWithJavaScript(
url: url,
name: name,
value: "",
path: path,
domain: domain,
maxAge: -1,
webViewController: webViewController);
Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{};
args.putIfAbsent('url', () => url.toString());
args.putIfAbsent('name', () => name);
args.putIfAbsent('domain', () => domain);
args.putIfAbsent('path', () => path);
await _channel.invokeMethod('deleteCookie', args);
///Removes all cookies for the given [url], [domain] and [path].
///The default value of [path] is `"/"`.
///If [domain] is empty, its default value will be the domain name of [url].
///[webViewController] is used for deleting the cookies (also session-only cookies) using JavaScript (cookies with `isHttpOnly` enabled cannot be deleted, see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#restrict_access_to_cookies)
///from the current context of the [WebView] managed by that controller when you need to target iOS below 11 and Web platform. JavaScript must be enabled in order to work.
///In this case the [url] parameter is ignored.
///**NOTE for iOS below 11.0**: If [webViewController] is `null` or JavaScript is disabled for it, it will try to use a [HeadlessInAppWebView]
///to delete the cookies (session-only cookies and cookies with `isHttpOnly` enabled won't be deleted!).
///**NOTE for Web**: this method will have effect only if the iframe has the same origin.
///If [webViewController] is `null` or JavaScript is disabled for it, it will try to use a [HeadlessInAppWebView]
///to delete the cookies (session-only cookies and cookies with `isHttpOnly` enabled won't be deleted!).
///**Supported Platforms/Implementations**:
///- Android native WebView
///- iOS
///- Web
Future<void> deleteCookies(
{required Uri url,
String domain = "",
String path = "/",
@Deprecated("Use webViewController instead")
InAppWebViewController? iosBelow11WebViewController,
InAppWebViewController? webViewController}) async {
if (domain.isEmpty) domain = _getDomainName(url);
webViewController = webViewController ?? iosBelow11WebViewController;
if (defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS || kIsWeb) {
var shouldUseJavascript = kIsWeb;
if (defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS && !kIsWeb) {
var platformUtil = PlatformUtil.instance();
var version = double.tryParse(await platformUtil.getSystemVersion());
shouldUseJavascript = version != null && version < 11.0;
if (shouldUseJavascript) {
List<Cookie> cookies = await _getCookiesWithJavaScript(
url: url, webViewController: webViewController);
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
await _setCookieWithJavaScript(
url: url,
name: cookies[i].name,
value: "",
path: path,
domain: domain,
maxAge: -1,
webViewController: webViewController);
Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{};
args.putIfAbsent('url', () => url.toString());
args.putIfAbsent('domain', () => domain);
args.putIfAbsent('path', () => path);
await _channel.invokeMethod('deleteCookies', args);
///Removes all cookies.
///**NOTE for iOS**: available from iOS 11.0+.
///**Supported Platforms/Implementations**:
///- Android native WebView ([Official API - CookieManager.removeAllCookies](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/CookieManager#removeAllCookies(android.webkit.ValueCallback%3Cjava.lang.Boolean%3E)))
///- iOS ([Official API - WKWebsiteDataStore.removeData](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wkwebsitedatastore/1532938-removedata))
Future<void> deleteAllCookies() async {
Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{};
await _channel.invokeMethod('deleteAllCookies', args);
///Fetches all stored cookies.
///**NOTE**: available on iOS 11.0+.
///**Supported Platforms/Implementations**:
///- iOS ([Official API - WKHTTPCookieStore.getAllCookies](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wkhttpcookiestore/2882005-getallcookies))
Future<List<Cookie>> getAllCookies() async {
List<Cookie> cookies = [];
Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{};
List<dynamic> cookieListMap =
await CookieManager._channel.invokeMethod('getAllCookies', args);
cookieListMap = cookieListMap.cast<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>();
cookieListMap.forEach((cookieMap) {
name: cookieMap["name"],
value: cookieMap["value"],
expiresDate: cookieMap["expiresDate"],
isSessionOnly: cookieMap["isSessionOnly"],
domain: cookieMap["domain"],
sameSite: HTTPCookieSameSitePolicy.fromNativeValue(cookieMap["sameSite"]),
isSecure: cookieMap["isSecure"],
isHttpOnly: cookieMap["isHttpOnly"],
path: cookieMap["path"]));
return cookies;
String _getDomainName(Uri url) {
String domain = url.host;
return domain.startsWith("www.") ? domain.substring(4) : domain;
Future<String> _getCookieExpirationDate(int expiresDate) async {
var platformUtil = PlatformUtil.instance();
var dateTime = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(expiresDate).toUtc();
return !kIsWeb
? await platformUtil.formatDate(
date: dateTime,
format: 'EEE, dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss z',
locale: 'en_US',
timezone: 'GMT')
: await platformUtil.getWebCookieExpirationDate(date: dateTime);
///Class that contains only iOS-specific methods of [CookieManager].
///Use [CookieManager] instead.
@Deprecated("Use CookieManager instead")
class IOSCookieManager {
static IOSCookieManager? _instance;
///Gets the [IOSCookieManager] shared instance.
static IOSCookieManager instance() {
return (_instance != null) ? _instance! : _init();
static IOSCookieManager _init() {
_instance = IOSCookieManager();
return _instance!;
///Fetches all stored cookies.
///**NOTE**: available on iOS 11.0+.
///**Official iOS API**: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wkhttpcookiestore/2882005-getallcookies
Future<List<Cookie>> getAllCookies() async {
List<Cookie> cookies = [];
Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{};
List<dynamic> cookieListMap =
await CookieManager._channel.invokeMethod('getAllCookies', args);
cookieListMap = cookieListMap.cast<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>();
cookieListMap.forEach((cookieMap) {
name: cookieMap["name"],
value: cookieMap["value"],
expiresDate: cookieMap["expiresDate"],
isSessionOnly: cookieMap["isSessionOnly"],
domain: cookieMap["domain"],
sameSite: HTTPCookieSameSitePolicy.fromNativeValue(cookieMap["sameSite"]),
isSecure: cookieMap["isSecure"],
isHttpOnly: cookieMap["isHttpOnly"],
path: cookieMap["path"]));
return cookies;