276 lines
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276 lines
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Executable File
// MyCookieManager.swift
// flutter_inappwebview
// Created by Lorenzo on 26/10/18.
import Foundation
import WebKit
@available(iOS 11.0, *)
class MyCookieManager: NSObject, FlutterPlugin {
static var registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar?
static var channel: FlutterMethodChannel?
static var httpCookieStore: WKHTTPCookieStore?
static func register(with registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar) {
init(registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar) {
MyCookieManager.registrar = registrar
MyCookieManager.httpCookieStore = WKWebsiteDataStore.default().httpCookieStore
MyCookieManager.channel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "com.pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappwebview_cookiemanager", binaryMessenger: registrar.messenger())
registrar.addMethodCallDelegate(self, channel: MyCookieManager.channel!)
public func handle(_ call: FlutterMethodCall, result: @escaping FlutterResult) {
let arguments = call.arguments as? NSDictionary
switch call.method {
case "setCookie":
let url = arguments!["url"] as! String
let name = arguments!["name"] as! String
let value = arguments!["value"] as! String
let domain = arguments!["domain"] as! String
let path = arguments!["path"] as! String
var expiresDate: Int64?
if let expiresDateString = arguments!["expiresDate"] as? String {
expiresDate = Int64(expiresDateString)
let maxAge = arguments!["maxAge"] as? Int64
let isSecure = arguments!["isSecure"] as? Bool
let isHttpOnly = arguments!["isHttpOnly"] as? Bool
let sameSite = arguments!["sameSite"] as? String
MyCookieManager.setCookie(url: url,
name: name,
value: value,
domain: domain,
path: path,
expiresDate: expiresDate,
maxAge: maxAge,
isSecure: isSecure,
isHttpOnly: isHttpOnly,
sameSite: sameSite,
result: result)
case "getCookies":
let url = arguments!["url"] as! String
MyCookieManager.getCookies(url: url, result: result)
case "getAllCookies":
MyCookieManager.getAllCookies(result: result)
case "deleteCookie":
let url = arguments!["url"] as! String
let name = arguments!["name"] as! String
let domain = arguments!["domain"] as! String
let path = arguments!["path"] as! String
MyCookieManager.deleteCookie(url: url, name: name, domain: domain, path: path, result: result)
case "deleteCookies":
let url = arguments!["url"] as! String
let domain = arguments!["domain"] as! String
let path = arguments!["path"] as! String
MyCookieManager.deleteCookies(url: url, domain: domain, path: path, result: result)
case "deleteAllCookies":
MyCookieManager.deleteAllCookies(result: result)
public static func setCookie(url: String,
name: String,
value: String,
domain: String,
path: String,
expiresDate: Int64?,
maxAge: Int64?,
isSecure: Bool?,
isHttpOnly: Bool?,
sameSite: String?,
result: @escaping FlutterResult) {
var properties: [HTTPCookiePropertyKey: Any] = [:]
properties[.originURL] = url
properties[.name] = name
properties[.value] = value
properties[.domain] = domain
properties[.path] = path
if expiresDate != nil {
// convert from milliseconds
properties[.expires] = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(Double(expiresDate!)/1000))
if maxAge != nil {
properties[.maximumAge] = String(maxAge!)
if isSecure != nil && isSecure! {
properties[.secure] = "TRUE"
if isHttpOnly != nil && isHttpOnly! {
properties[.init("HttpOnly")] = "YES"
if sameSite != nil {
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
var sameSiteValue = HTTPCookieStringPolicy(rawValue: "None")
switch sameSite {
case "Lax":
sameSiteValue = HTTPCookieStringPolicy.sameSiteLax
case "Strict":
sameSiteValue = HTTPCookieStringPolicy.sameSiteStrict
properties[.sameSitePolicy] = sameSiteValue
} else {
properties[.init("SameSite")] = sameSite
let cookie = HTTPCookie(properties: properties)!
MyCookieManager.httpCookieStore!.setCookie(cookie, completionHandler: {() in
public static func getCookies(url: String, result: @escaping FlutterResult) {
var cookieList: [[String: Any?]] = []
if let urlHost = URL(string: url)?.host {
MyCookieManager.httpCookieStore!.getAllCookies { (cookies) in
for cookie in cookies {
if urlHost.hasSuffix(cookie.domain) || ".\(urlHost)".hasSuffix(cookie.domain) {
var sameSite: String? = nil
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
if let sameSiteValue = cookie.sameSitePolicy?.rawValue {
sameSite = sameSiteValue.prefix(1).capitalized + sameSiteValue.dropFirst()
var expiresDateTimestamp: Int64 = -1
if let expiresDate = cookie.expiresDate?.timeIntervalSince1970 {
// convert to milliseconds
expiresDateTimestamp = Int64(expiresDate * 1000)
"name": cookie.name,
"value": cookie.value,
"expiresDate": expiresDateTimestamp != -1 ? expiresDateTimestamp : nil,
"isSessionOnly": cookie.isSessionOnly,
"domain": cookie.domain,
"sameSite": sameSite,
"isSecure": cookie.isSecure,
"isHttpOnly": cookie.isHTTPOnly,
"path": cookie.path,
} else {
print("Cannot get WebView cookies. No HOST found for URL: \(url)")
public static func getAllCookies(result: @escaping FlutterResult) {
var cookieList: [[String: Any?]] = []
MyCookieManager.httpCookieStore!.getAllCookies { (cookies) in
for cookie in cookies {
var sameSite: String? = nil
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
if let sameSiteValue = cookie.sameSitePolicy?.rawValue {
sameSite = sameSiteValue.prefix(1).capitalized + sameSiteValue.dropFirst()
var expiresDateTimestamp: Int64 = -1
if let expiresDate = cookie.expiresDate?.timeIntervalSince1970 {
// convert to milliseconds
expiresDateTimestamp = Int64(expiresDate * 1000)
"name": cookie.name,
"value": cookie.value,
"expiresDate": expiresDateTimestamp != -1 ? expiresDateTimestamp : nil,
"isSessionOnly": cookie.isSessionOnly,
"domain": cookie.domain,
"sameSite": sameSite,
"isSecure": cookie.isSecure,
"isHttpOnly": cookie.isHTTPOnly,
"path": cookie.path,
public static func deleteCookie(url: String, name: String, domain: String, path: String, result: @escaping FlutterResult) {
MyCookieManager.httpCookieStore!.getAllCookies { (cookies) in
for cookie in cookies {
var originURL = ""
if cookie.properties![.originURL] is String {
originURL = cookie.properties![.originURL] as! String
else if cookie.properties![.originURL] is URL {
originURL = (cookie.properties![.originURL] as! URL).absoluteString
if (!originURL.isEmpty && originURL != url) {
if (cookie.domain == domain || cookie.domain == ".\(domain)" || ".\(cookie.domain)" == domain) && cookie.name == name && cookie.path == path {
MyCookieManager.httpCookieStore!.delete(cookie, completionHandler: {
public static func deleteCookies(url: String, domain: String, path: String, result: @escaping FlutterResult) {
MyCookieManager.httpCookieStore!.getAllCookies { (cookies) in
for cookie in cookies {
var originURL = ""
if cookie.properties![.originURL] is String {
originURL = cookie.properties![.originURL] as! String
else if cookie.properties![.originURL] is URL{
originURL = (cookie.properties![.originURL] as! URL).absoluteString
if (!originURL.isEmpty && originURL != url) {
if (cookie.domain == domain || cookie.domain == ".\(domain)" || ".\(cookie.domain)" == domain) && cookie.path == path {
MyCookieManager.httpCookieStore!.delete(cookie, completionHandler: nil)
public static func deleteAllCookies(result: @escaping FlutterResult) {
let websiteDataTypes = NSSet(array: [WKWebsiteDataTypeCookies])
let date = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: 0)
WKWebsiteDataStore.default().removeData(ofTypes: websiteDataTypes as! Set<String>, modifiedSince: date as Date, completionHandler:{