22 lines
676 B

## 1.0.4
- Updated `flutter_inappwebview_platform_interface` version dependency to `1.0.6`
- Updated `CookieManager` methods return value
## 1.0.3
- Fixed "Flutter 3.7.10 error Dart library 'dart:ui_web' is not available on this platform" [#1900](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappwebview/issues/1900)
- Try to load just the URL of an URLRequest if the HTTP method is GET and the HTTP request fails due to an error, such as a CORS policy error
## 1.0.2
- Updated `flutter_inappwebview_platform_interface` version dependency to `1.0.5`
## 1.0.1
- Updated `flutter_inappwebview_platform_interface` version dependency to `1.0.2`
## 1.0.0
Initial release.